The Chang In Fate

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I got my phone and texted Drew to meet me in the park at the climbing tree.( aka the tallest tree) I got there first, like always, and sat down to wait. But the bad thing is, I had to sneak out of my room at eleven o'clock. I hate sneaking out.

"Yo, babe. Its good to see ya." Drew said from behind me.

I squealed." Omg, don't you know not to sneak up on me?!" I almost yelled.

He looked at me for a few minutes. "Yeah I guess I forgot."

I sighed. It was getting close to midnight, ten more minutes. Drew sat down beside me. I started to shiver. It was late Fall, and all I had on was a short sleeve shirt with shorts. Drew put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. What did my instincts tell me, to snuggle to him.

"Awe, that's too sweet." the voice came on, just like over the phone.

I jumped up before we could say anything. That scared the crap out of me!

"Well it looks like you both showed." it said lamely.

"Um... who are you, and why did you just say that?" Drew asked, obviously freaking." And I need to know this for my sake....are you a guy or a chick?" he asked the question I wanted to ask.

They looked taken back. It was funny! I had to cough a little to keep from laughing.

It cleared its voice, and as it started to speak it sounded more clear, like a bell,"I for one am a woman. Two, my name is Starlight. I have called you both here for a good reason." Starlight claimed.

"Well okay, what's your reason?" I asked her.

I noticed Drew had stood up amend had made his way to me. I felt small next to him. His arm raped around my waist, and he pulled me closer to him.

"You, both, are what I need. I need a girl who is clueless about love and a boy who is in love." she paused, "MAZA LA VERGO SAFRERE!" she shouted at me.

I was numb. Like I just got out the a river in December. My vision blurted and I couldn't see, but this one little light. I started to walk toward it. As I got close it formed into a word. Love, is what it read. I feel into it screaming. Arms raped around me before I hit the ground. Drew caught me. I was so relived. But the look on his face scared me even more, more than what ever just happened.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" he shouted at Starlight.

"I simply helped her, that's all." she ,again, paused. "Now its your turn, boy. VAINA HERAS ALRED YUNNA!"

He was gone. Poof! Just like that. I was scared, for me, for Drew. I never knew till now, but she loved him.

' WHAT DID YOU DO?!' I wanted to scream, but no words would come. Just a soft gasp.

He came back, gasping for air. I rushed to him and raped my arms around his neck, as he whispered softly. I put my hand under his chin and forced him to look at me. Drew suddenly he shot forward and kissed me. It was gentle and perfect. He pulled away. But, no, I was pulling away. No, I was being dragged away.

"Autumn, no! You can't take her from me! NO!" he screamed at Starlight.

"Drew?" I whispered at first, "Drew no please don't let her take me! I need you! I...I love you!" I was crying as I screamed.

"Awe, sorry sweetheart, but its too late for that." she said evilly and through me into something.

The last thing I saw was Drew running at us, and lots of swirling lights. And Drew jumping after me, as I fell.

This is where are fates changed....forever.

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