Chapter 8

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Picture of Zack above/in the side bar!!!



The next morning I woke up and felt like a whole new person. I turned over and saw Luke still sound asleep. His breathing was so peaceful and every now and then the left corner of his mouth would twitch. I smiled to myself before sitting up in bed, running a hand through my knotted hair, badly wanting to take a shower. Then I felt something tugging at my arm and I heard I silent groan. I turned around to find his tiny eyes struggling to open, but looking straight into mine. Then he smiled.

"Don't get up yet.", he said, showing the best pouty face he could do.

Then I suddenly remembered what day it was. It was wednesday! I had school! I checked my alarm clock. I had forgot to set it last night. It was 9.30!

I let out a short sqeal and then leaped out of bed, running into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

"Babe, what's wrong?", I heard Luke say form the other side of the closed door.

"Luke, I'm late for school! It's Wednesday!", I shouted back in a rush, turning the water on. I stepped into the shower and quickly washed my hair and body, then ran back into the bedroom with only my underwear on, completely forgetting about Luke who was just casually lying in my bed, staring at my half naked body.

But I didn't care at all. I through heaps of clothes out of my drawer, hoping to find something decent to wear.

I could hear him giggling behind me and then saying

"You look sexy as shit when you're in a hurry."

I smiled to myself but he couldn't see.

I eventually found something and I whipped on a white crop top and my high waisted shorts. Then I turned around to find Luke still smirking at me. I stopped for a second and smirked back at him. As I was fixing my hair in the mirror, two strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind and kissed my neck.

I giggled but pushed him away, only knowing if he continued I would be craving more and wouldn't be able to stop myself.

"Luke, seriously, I'm gonna be late."

He just smirked again.

"Please, only for today, the teachers won't hate you, I wanna cuddle and watch netflix.", the puppy face was real.

"Just because you do it?"

"So, it's the last week of school. You're such a nerd, I don't know when I ever went to school in the last week."

I turned around and kissed him on the lips so sweetly, inhaling the smell of his sleep drunken body. I would've loved to stay there the whole day and cuddle, but it just wasn't in my nature and I had to go to school.

And he was right.

I was a nerd.

But I didn't mind.

Then I pulled out, sprayed some perfume on my neck and wrists, grabbed my bag and a packet of gum, and left the house.

On the way I texted my friend to tell the teacher I was going to be there soon. And then I ran to school as fast as I could. My hair was almost dry when I got there. I knocked on the door of my classroom, completely out of breath. Then I took a breath ready to be getting some weird looks. Then I opened the door, looking guilty and the entire class staring at me, including the teacher.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Simpson, last night was so- and this morning- I couldn't-", I started, but the teacher cut me off.

"I'm not used to this from you Miss Henderson. Please don't make it a habit, but it's okay just this once. Sit down."

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