Questions: Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It was about three in the morning when you finished the shed. Covered in paint and wood shavings and dead tired, you sat on the grass, squinting through the dark at the finished shed. You thought it was good work, at least, good for someone working by themselves in the dark. You'd have to see what it looked like in the daytime... you could only pray Gally didn't make you redo it.

A massive yawn blocked your vision of the shed for a moment, as you allowed yourself to feel as tired as you were. Standing shakily, your hand on a nearby tree for support, you started walking back to the huts and your hammock.

About halfway there you stopped. In the dim starlight, you could see the outlines of the slammer, pits with wooden bars blocking the entrances that served as the Glade's prison. You walked over to them, more curious than anything else. Wicked didn't have much information about the slammer; you'd never seen it before.


You nearly jumped out of your skin as a voice came from inside the nearest pit. You peered in cautiously, not knowing what to expect. Minho's face peered back at you.

"I saw you looking at the doors. That's why I jumped on Gally to save you." He said after a moment's awkward silence.

You raised an eyebrow, asking him to clarify. His eyes drifted into the sky above you as he said, "I looked at them the same way when I first got here. I've never seen anyone else look at them like that... not curious, exactly, and not afraid. Just... yearning. Wondering."

You nodded quickly, understanding the feeling. While Minho couldn't hear the voices, he could feel their call. You found it interesting. You hadn't known there were others. You wondered if the Creators knew. Maybe if they had, they would have called Minho, and you'd still be behind a desk.

"You know, I was hoping for a 'thank you, Minho, you're amazing, Minho, you saved my life, Minho, I love you Minho.' But I guess that's not your style is it?" Minho joked, and you huffed a quiet laugh.

"Who're you talking to, shank?" A tired voice demanded from the pit to Minho's right. You looked curiously at Minho before leaning over to see who was in the adjoining cell.

Gally's face glared back at you.
"What're you looking at?" He grunted.

The situation struck you as funny for some reason and you giggled, shrugging. You heard Minho laughing from his cell, and Gally flushed.

"Slim it, both of you! It's hard enough to sleep in this Creator-forsaken place... speaking of which, greenie, why are you up this late?"

You made the motions of building and painting, trying to get your message across. Minho took it to mean a game of charades and he shouted out absurd suggestions.

"Fishing! Skydiving! You were going to shave Frypan's hair off! You were going to kick Chuck into the creek!"

"You finished the building this late?" Gally interrupted Minho's rant with a harsh question. You nodded.

"What on earth were you thinking?! Working this late, in the dark? You should be asleep; you've got a full day ahead of you tomorrow!"

You put your hands on your hips, staring at him angrily until he got your pint.

"Oh... I told you to finish, didn't I."

You nodded.

"Shuck it, greenie, you should know me better than that. I meant to get it done, not stay up half the night! You're going to be useless tomorrow; don't you know that?"

"Why would the greenie know you better than that, Gally? Have you two been conversing privately?" A delighted voice came from Minho's cell.

"No!" Gally yelled back. "Would you slim it? I've had a long day!"

"I think he's trying to apologize, greenie," Minho translated, "He's sorry for whatever that episode was this morning. Aren't you, Gally?"

"I said slim it, Minho!" Gally called.

"And he's mad that he didn't get to fight you tonight. Missed your epic rematch, didn't you, Gally?"

"SLIM IT!" Gally yelled. To you, he whispered, "Look... I didn't mean to hurt you. I got mad when Alec said... well never mind. Just go to sleep, alright? I still expect you to work hard tomorrow. No slacking off under my watch!"

You gave Gally a small smile, not sure if you believed his half-apology or not, and honestly too tired to care. You nodded once, stopped to wave goodnight to Minho, and rushed off to your soft hammock.

You fell asleep almost immediately, but not before you heard a crisp message from outside the maze walls...

You can't hide from us forever.

Questions: Gally x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now