Questions: Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The Maze was unlike anything you'd experienced. No simulator or training exercise could have prepared you for the deadly aloneness you felt beyond the Glade walls.

The ivy coated the walls, making them indistinct and blurred. Low rumbling from beyond every corner testified to the maze's shifting and the Grievers roaming its halls.

You had fought a Griever once. On the last day of training, you had to run the maze in and out in one day. And, of course, to escape the maze, you needed a code from a Griever. They had tested a drone Griever on you. It was all machine, none of the biology that real Grievers had. But that only made it harder to kill.

Your only shot at surviving the night was to kill a Griever. You knew that. But you had no backup, no spears, barely a weapon... you needed a plan. Quickly, you went over your training on fighting Grievers.

Grievers used the walls to their advantage. Although they were large, they had rotating legs that could walk sideways along the walls if they needed to. This gave them a height advantage, along with everything else. Your only shot at killing it was to get above it.

So, you started climbing the ivy.

Hand over fist, you were grateful for the rock-climbing training and your already developed upper body muscles. You had taken a knife from the Glade when you left; this you used as additional support, stabbing it into the thick ivy and stone. You climbed as high as the ivy would let you, then twisted yourself to be behind the plants. Holding on with one hand, you twisted yourself and the ivy around you to make a sort of swing around your legs. Your leg muscles would be sore as anything tomorrow, but you'd rather that than be dead.

Now all you had to do was wait.

Meanwhile, the Gladers were beginning to wonder what happened to you. One Glader in particular.

"Alec!" Gally yelled, storming over to where Alec was eating peacefully with Chuck and Newt.


"Have you seen y/n anywhere?"

"No, I thought they were with you?"

"Well, obviously they're not, shank! Get up, help me find them!"

"Gally!" Alby inserted himself into the conversation. "Where is y/n? We're ready for answers."

"Well you'll have to bloody wait, Alby, they seem to be missing," Newt added, putting his plate down.

"They can't have gone far. I'll check the Deadheads. Alec, with me. Newt, you take the gardens. Chuck, round up everyone you can. We've got to find them." Gally's voice was hard, determined, and the boys rushed to obey his orders.

After two hours, however, they were starting to become seriously concerned.

"There's not that many places to hide in this bloody place," Newt observed.

"She's not in the trees, we checked them all," Alec said.

"Guys," Minho tried to interrupt, but everyone ignored him.

"They could be in the kitchens?"

"No, I looked."

"The slammer?"

"Checked there too."

"Guys!" Minho tried again and was again ignored.

"Lookout tower, they go there to think sometimes, don't they?"

"I climbed it twice, they're not there."

"How about that spot close to the doors they like to sit? Did anyone check there?"

"No, did you?"

"I didn't, who did?"

"SLIM IT!" Minho shouted, and the boys fell silent, looking to him for answers.

"I looked there. I looked near the doors. And I found something."

Minho held the note out with one hand. Gally snatched it before anyone could, holding it up to the light of a nearby torch. Before he could read it, Newt took it from his hands and handed it to Alby.

"Hey!" Gally protested, but Newt silenced him with a glance.

In a wary voice, Alby read the note aloud.

"I do know everything. But to tell you, I must go into the Maze. If I survive, I will explain everything. I'm sorry I have to break your rules, Alby. I'm asking you to trust me if that is at all possible. Please. -y/n"

"What the shuck does that mean?" Alec asked, nudging the boy beside him.

"It means she's gone. Into the maze. At night." Minho gravely translated.

All was silent for a brief moment as the news sank in. Then Gally exploded. 

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