ᏟᎻᎪᏢᎢᎬᏒ 3 - « The Orphan Dolls »

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I was curently in my room with Mikasa, she wanted to help me choosing my outfit. My makeup was already done, but i couldn't choose what i was going to wear.

« I swear Mika, Jean and Connie are going to kill me. They'll be there in less than 10 minutes ! » I told her while i was panicking.

« Relax Y/n, » she respond while taking a look at the outfits that were on my bed. « I think this one is the best for you. You have to be the shining star tonight, and with the amound of people there will be, the heat will be unbearable. »

« You're right... And i like this one, i feel hot in it. » I said with a smirk.

« You're always hot, but yeah, it suits you well. Now, go in that bathroom and dress up, lady. » She said and taking a sit on the end of the bed.

I did what she said, and after 5 minutes, i came out of the bathroom totally dressed.
« So, what do you think? » I asked her.

Mikasa's mouth was forming an « o » and she stayed like that for a few seconds.
« Y/n... You look... amazing ! I don't even have the words to describe you right now. »

                        P i c k   y o u r   o u t f i t

                        P i c k   y o u r   o u t f i t

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« Aw, thanks Mika ! » I thanked her with a large smile.
With that, we heard Jean's car horn.
« It's them! » I said with excitation taking my guitar.
« I have to go Mika, see ya tonight, i love you! » I half screamed at her because i was curently running outside our apartment.

I was now in front of the car and it takes me less than one second to be in it. I was just so happy to have this concert tonight. It's been so long that we didn't play in front of a lot of people. I think the beginning of summer was playing a huge role in my mood right now.
I was so deep in my thoughts that i didn't notice how Connie and Jean were staring at me.

« What is wrong with you two? Just go! We are going to be late ! »

« Y/n, you're just... » mumbled Jean with a slight blush on his cheeks.
« Yeah, you're just so hot ! God damn, i'm friend with that?! » Blurted Connie with excitation in his voice.

I just laughed at their comments with a « Thank you guys » , and they started the road. 


« For the love of god Hange, hurry up! What's taking you so long ? » Levi said while knocking for the third time at hange's room door.

« I'm coming ! » I said and get out of the room. « Sorry Shorty, i just didn't know how to dress. » I smiled at him.

He looked at me from my face to my feet, and he 'Tched '.
« All this time in there for that ? »

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