ᏟᎻᎪᏢᎢᎬᏒ 14 - « 😈💪🏻 »

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   Wind. Fresh air. Warm. She was feeling very warm, in a good way. What time was it? Where was she? Someone was sleeping on her chest; she could sense their delicate and soft breathes. Someone opened the window, there was wind. She couldn't open her eyes yet; she was way too sleepy, she still wanted to sleep for so long. She was peaceful at that moment. Why's that? That person sleeping on her chest, was they one of her friends? She couldn't remember. She was so tired. So tired that she could have spent the day in bed. Well, that was her main project now. Yes, it was a good idea, she was feeling so good right now, and-


Wait a minute,
What the fuck was that?

In one movement, Y/N was awakened by a sudden hand slapping her face, kinda violently. She opened her eyes in a rush, wondering what the heck was happening, and then she remembered. She spent the night with Sasha and Connie, that's why she was feeling warm. Too many people in one bed. And that hand; of course, it was Connie who slapped her during his deep, intense sleep. That person who was peacefully sleeping on her chest was just Sasha, she could have sworn it was... never mind. Maybe it was because she was still in that awe when you just woken up, when you don't know if you still are in the real life or in your dreams who seemed so real.

"Connie gets the fuck out of me," she fakes angrily said with her morning voice. 

Connie only responded with a groan, letting his leg going onto hers, still very asleep.

"Connie, I'm going to murder you. Get your legs off me! Ew, your filthy feet!" she continued, trying her very best to move, Sasha and Connie literally laying on her body.

A groan was now heard from Sasha's mouth, clearly drooling over Y/N's chest, "Y/N, why are you so loud this early in the morning?" she asked in a half whisper.

Suddenly, the door of Sasha's room was rudely opened, "Are you kidding me you three?! It's fucking 3 p.m. now, get the fuck out of bed!" stated Jean, already fully dressed.

Y/N tried to take a better look at him, her body clearly not available right now, "As if I can move! Those two refuses to get up!"

"Well," he begun with his arms crossed, "just throw them out of the bed. It's what I always do when I have to sleep with them during parties."

"But look at Sasha's face! She's so peaceful," she pouted, caressing Sasha's sleeping visage.

"Sasha, I know you're not really sleeping. 'Breakfast' is ready," simply said Jean.

As if she was set like a clock, she stood up, stretching a little "I slept so well! What did you prepare for breakfast?" she asked, a warm smile painting her face.

"I didn't prepare anything. Truth is that even Mikasa and Eren are still asleep, Ymir and Historia left like 5 minutes ago, Armin has a hungover, and Erwin is trying to calm the nerves of Levi because it's already too late and Hange is still sleeping."

"How long have you all been awake?" asked Y/N, getting up of bed, letting Connie almost dead body in a position that wasn't even human anymore.

"Just like, 20 minutes ago. We have been awake by Armin's delicate puke," explained Jean, a voice full of disgust.

"My poor Armin!" Y/N suddenly exclaimed, going right through the main room where (most) of her friends where. She directly saw Armin laying on one of the couches, swiping through his social medias, then Erwin and Levi on the other couch, doing nothing special but trying to come through the headache because of last night.

"Hey, how y'all doing?" asked Y/N, getting towards them.

"Not fine. Where's Hange? I thought they were with you," annoyingly asked Levi, a cup of tea in his hands. Jean knew how to calm his nerves, just for a little bit of time.

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