ᏟᎻᎪᏢᎢᎬᏒ 7 - « Lips that lie »

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« You know i have trust issues Hange, why did you do that ? »

« I didn't do it on purpose, and for me, it was nothing. She's just a friend, i already told you that, love. »

Y/N lowered her eyes, her gaze full of sadness. By that, Hange had approched her, putting their hands on her hips.

« You know i'll never hurt you , yes ? »

« I don't know, you told me. Show me. »

« I'll never hurt you, i promise. »


« Fight me. »

After that sentence, everyone went silent while they turned towards Hange who was still sat on their chair, legs crossed and a drink in one hand. Y/N was in front of them and ready to jump on them. She was furious, hella angry. She didn't take her eyes off them, instead she kept staring at them with the most hateful gaze we could give to someone who was, at time, the reason at why we got up every morning.

How did they get there ? Why Y/N was begging Hange to fight her? That was ridiculous, and childish. But deep down, she knew words weren't enough powerfull to express how she was angry at them. How she needed to express her anger and her sadness.

Yes, after so many years, she thought that she was totally over them. Yes, times to times, she was still wondering how they were doing, what they were doing, but it was mostly because they had memories together. You can't totally forget a person you loved that much forever.

But when Y/n saw their face again, that night, all her divergent emotions were back. They slapped her right in the face. God damn feelings.

« What ? », Hange asked , lost by the situation.

« You heard me, fight me Hange. Stand up, now, » she replied, not flinching at all.

The bar was too loud for everyone to heard what she was saying, but all of her friends did, well, she thought so.

« Hey, Sash, » said Connie by hitting Sasha on her shoulder, « am I too drunk or did i really heard Y/N said 'Fight me' to Hange ? »

« You're drunk, but yes, she said it. »

Before Connie could react, Jean and Mikasa was already behind Y/N, taking her by her arms, trying their best to calm her.

« Y/N, now stop, it's over. I'm taking you home, » said Jean by trying to take her away, Mikasa on support.

« Hey, get out of me you two! I'm a growing up adult, i can take care of myself for god sake ! » half yelled Y/N while she was struggling.

Jean let out a long sigh and take her by her cheeks, making her watch him right in the eyes, « Listen, you're too drunk to think right. Tomorrow you'll regret it, i can't let you do that. Plus, you're going to make a fool of yourself for nothing good. Now, follow me, i'm taking you home, i can stay if you want. »

Y/n was watching at him, alternating with Mikasa. She didn't know what to do at that point, he was right, she was not able to think rig-

« Yeah Y/N, listen to your boyfriend, » mockingly responded Hange, « You're ridiculous, i told you, and i'm always right. Now leave all those guys alone, go 'home', you're ruining the party, » they take a long sip of their drink, « Like always. »

Forget that.

Y/N slipped away from Jean's arms and she directly went towards Hange, hardly taking them by the collar of their shirt, making them stand up a little.
She didn't knew where did she found that strength, but she were able to harshly pushing them towards the wall, eyes focused on theirs.

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