Elizabeth Finds The Truth

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I'm Elizabeth and I live in a mansion  but I don't live there because I'm rich, I live there cause my mom is a maid and she's been working here her whole life. I also work in the mansion, the mansion is owned by Richard white which is ironic because he's not even white, he's mixed but he's mother's white. Richard white or Mr white as in how I call him, he has 3 wives and one son Cayden white, I've known him since he was born because I'm older than him, sometimes I feel like I'm his older sister but I don't hang out with him anymore because of his mother (Mr. Whites second wife) Amelia white or Mrs white, that's how she prefers I call her and she hates  me for some reason unlike Mr whites other wives ; Jackie white (first wife) and Karen underwood (third wife), Ms  underwood decided that she would keep her last name for some reason but know one really knows why.

I live in a shed it's not small but it's also not big but we manage to live in there, we only have a bedroom and a bathroom so we eat with the whites and underwood all three meals of the day that my mom prepares of course and sometimes I prepare the food myself but I'm not as good as my mom makes it even though I follow recipes exactly but it still tastes as different as my moms, sometimes I think she uses some special ingredient, who really knows

One night after dinner I went to the kitchen  to wash the dishes it took 30 minutes but when I was done I went to Mr. Whites room to say goodnight because he doesn't sleep with any of his wives for some reason but no one really knows why, after saying goodnight I headed to the shed to go to sleep.

Midnight I heard a gunshot but I decided to ignore it because we live near a forest so I just assumed someone was hunting for deer or something. The next morning I heard a very loud scream from Mr. White 's office, I ran out of the shed as fast as I can with my pajamas still on, when I got there everyone was already there, they were all crying and I was wondering why but then then when I got inside the room I saw Mr. White dead on his bed with a bullet hole right through his head, than I thought what if the noises I heard heard at midnight were actually Mr.white being shot, what if I came into the mansion after the gunshot would Mr.White still be alive?  The word what if just kept going through my mind. 12 minutes past of staring at Mr.whites dead body in disbelief the police arrived and matters were in there hands, they than told us to leave the room and they started interviewing everyone and I told them about the gunshots I heard, they then concluded that it was a robbery but it didn't seem right because there wasn't anything stolen, which was odd for a robbery

It was a gloomy Sunday morning, clouds filled the sky there were as grey as an old man's hair, no one was happy because they wasn't a reason to be happy because the most beloved man on earth just died. It was Mr. Whites funeral, everyone was wearing black clothes and  my mom and I but  we couldn't go because we had to take care of the house. But I protested as the left the house telling them that Mr.White was like a father to me, Amelia shouted " she can't go, she isn't going his daughter" Cayden just stood there with no word to say but luckily Jackie and Karen stood up for me and Jackie said " you don't have to be blood to be related" and Amelia said " fine she can come but she must do her chores immediately after she comes home." I jumped with joy but my mom was fuming with anger towards me as if I swore at Mrs white (the second wife) or something, but I think it's because I referred to Mr white as my father and she didn't like me doing that even though I've never met my father my mom doesn't like me using the word father or dad in front of her I think it brings back bad memories. I went to change my clothes and wore my black dress and we left, we went to the funeral in a limo and the herse followed us. As we got to the cemetery I saw the most moving picture of Mr white, it was him in a forest. As we got out of the limo we sat down under the tent.

As we sat down under the tent more of the family members started arriving including Mr White's loyal best friend uncle Austin light who was he's best friend for 8 years and counting (even though he's dead). When he sat down Cayden was so excited to see him as if he saw his father, as well as Amelia who was also happy to see him. The funeral people came out holding MR White's casket on their shoulders, I teared up but I didn't cry because I had to stay strong. Uncle Austin came out and stood at the podiem and started speaking "We are here today to honor a man known by all, Mr white, Mr white was a beautiful person inside and out, he never liked attention but today, he has it which is in the worst way possible,if he was right here right now he would tell  us to stop crying and  start smiling because he never liked to see anyone upset. We will miss you, goodbye for now freind." Everyone started applauding quietly as uncle Austin sat down then

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