5: The Fawn And The Wolf

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I was unsure about whether or not giving the alpha a name. I finally decided on doing it, even though he's dead he'll still play an important role in the future (sorta? i guess) so he couldn't just be a nameless character, even though I didn't really want to name him ehhhh

Also i decided to give the chapters titles too. I don't know how much of a good idea that is. I'm really uncreative, especially when it comes to titles... ughhhh this is gonna be a pain

(proofreading was really lazy and kinda rushed so, sorry about that 🙏)


George never noticed the hungry and craving gaze that followed his presence around the town the same way a ravenous wolf stares at an unsuspecting fawn. In the bushes and from the distance, lurking and licking its maw eagerly and impatiently.

Myles, the young alpha who hadn't been in the village for more than a couple of months as part of the group of guards assigned to protect it, had fixed his full attention on the older omega, ignoring his states of gestation, mother and mate, in favor of indulging in his deepest imaginations and desires, in love with his beautiful face and thirsty for the feeling of his niveous and smooth skin.

The mark on his neck and the soft, sweet, maternal scent, along with the shy curve of his abdomen under the shirts should had been enough to discourage anyone from seeing him as a potential mate. But for the young guard, those characteristics did nothing but fuel the fire of his fantasies, where the scar that decorated his neck was his as a sign of ownership, where it was his offspring that writhed and grew within the desirable body of that beautiful bearer. And the pup that was already born...

It had no place within his illusion. A living proof of the lifelong relationship that the omega already held, the living and clear mix of those two individuals linked by love and passion; that brat was a hindrance in the pleasure of his own ideas. The one inside the omega was too, and although it was easier to ignore its siring and sometimes even his existence by not having to see it directly, no matter how much Myles tried to convince himself and imagine with all his might that that child in his womb could (hypothetically) be the fruit of his seed, his conscience knew better. Myles didn't even know the name of the owner of his desires, and he didn't know about the existence of the desperate alpha. He was just one of many in that group of new guards who came to guard the town.

To take care of it.

Perhaps in the beginning Myles could have felt a little guilty, and a little disgusted by his own ideas, but it wasn't much. His consciousness was neither clean or pure, any shame and rejection that may have existed did not live beyond the first five minutes after seeing him, beginning to fantasize and enjoy his own carnal imaginations the first day he saw him.

He wanted him for himself, he wanted him to be his. And for that he would have to put his hands to work.

There were three obstacles in his way.

One ran at his feet, calling him "mama".

The other, curled up inside his womb, blissfully lived ignorant of all evil.

And the last one always walked beside him, looking down at him with a possessive arm encircling his figure.

Myles knew that he could get rid of the first two with terrible ease. He was an adult alpha, tall, strong and to top it off trained in fighting and defense for years. And it wasn't like he'd need his combat prowess to kill a mere pup.

Getting him to miscarry successfully would be a bit more complicated. He didn't want to kill his precious target in the process, and he didn't want to take away his ability to conceive either. Myles absolutely planned to plant his own litter in him as soon as the rival's offspring was out of his body. And he was going to do it with pleasure.

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