7: Little Mirror

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The days passed. And George was starting to get sick of spending the days stuck in that room. The violet colour in his pup's eyes still confused both parents. George had to trust what his mate said about it. To him, his youngest pup's eyes might as well be a dark shade of blue (more understandable, considering his own left iris was a light shade of blue), but George saw no reason for Dream to lie to him, so he had simply accepted that his second child had been born with an unusual eye colour and that was that.

Speaking of Dream, George didn't know whether his alpha was actually getting better or not. The more superficial wounds looked much better now, the bruises were finally beginning to fade but the fevers and pain didn't seem to go away. His leg was slowly but surely healing, but the infection didn't seem to let up. Now his alpha spent more time sleeping or just quiet with his eyes closed. George wanted to know what was going through his mate's blonde head, but there was no way to tell. The only way was to ask, but letting him share it himself would be better, George believed.

After repeating the routine of waking up, feeding his pup, receiving his own breakfast, eating and receiving his family's, George went to the room, followed by Ranboo and Philza, who obviously was the one carrying the dishes, seeing how George had his hands quite busy with a pup in his arms and another one following him.

George entered the room, followed by Ranboo, who insisted on eating his breakfast with his father every morning. Philza meanwhile stood at the door, waiting for the young omega to receive the tray before leaving.

George placed his youngest pup next to Dream on the bed, seeing the little one snuggle up to him almost instantly and heading back to the door to receive Philza's food. When he came back with the tray in his hands, Dream was settling his pup against his side and Ranboo was already in the process of getting on the bed.

The breakfast of both passed as it had done since they arrived at that house, with Ranboo staying next to his now awake father and talking incessantly to the bedridden alpha once they both finished eating. George stayed with them, hearing his little one babble anything towards his sire, greatly enjoying the presence of his entire family.

George sat on the edge of the bed for what was probably a couple of hours, but it felt like minutes to him. When Dream's eyelids began to fall and Ranboo snuggled up against him, without hesitation George took his newborn, leaning over his mate to press a kiss to his mouth (which was reciprocated at the moment) and also taking the opportunity to leave a small kiss on the forehead of his older pup.

"I'll come back later." He promised, looking at his family tenderly before leaving the room.

His footsteps were heading back into the room, but something made him stop in his tracks.

I don't want to go back to that room. I'm sick of spending all day between those four walls.

For the first time George noticed that there were stairs in that house, deciding to turn his way towards them. The omega stood in front of the first step, trying to see as much of the lower floor as possible without going down the stairs, and wondering if he should do it.

"Uh, whatever." The boy proceeded carefully down the stairs, reaching the first floor.

"George!" His head immediately snapped toward the voice. He knew it was Philza, but the loud call startled him. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. How is your alpha?"

Next to the blond man sitting on the sofa, a boy with tousled brown hair was looking at him, his expression casual and relaxed.

"... He's fine. He ate and drank everything." George answered, shifting his pup into his arms and feeling undecided on how to continue, whether to get closer or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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