Chapter 31- I just want to go home

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Aliza's Pov-

I didn't like the care home in Arizona one bit. But it was no use, I was stuck here for the considerable future with no phone, no money and none of my friends. So even if I tried to run away, I wouldn't be able to since I have nowhere to go, and no means of getting there.

Tears dripped down my face as I sat in a small ball in the box room that I was supplied with. "Why didn't you say something Mitch?" I whispered to myself softly. Just when my life was getting beter, it went so down hill so fast.

A knock sounded on my door and I looked over at it. "It's open." I called out weakly, my voice breaking in the middle of the sentence. The same woman that took me here walked into the room and I sighed quietly.

"It's going to be okay Aliza. You'll get adopted into a lovely family I'm sure and then you start your life for real this time." She said, placing her hand on my shoulder as she sat down on the bed next to me.

"I don't want a new family. I already had the best one I could find back in LA. I just want to go back home to my friends, my family." I muttered to the woman. She nodded her head sadly before standing up and walking to the door.

"Forget about them now Aliza. This is your new home for a while, at least untill you get adopted or your old enough to live by yourself. Deal with it." She snapped and slammed the door closed behind her.

I just want to go home.


Mitch's Pov-

It was only after I had sat on the floor crying for a few hours did I realise I had to tell the guys and everyone else. No doubt about it they would be shocked, we may not have known Aliza for the longest time in the world but we still cared about her.

I pushed the unlocked door to the house open and everyone in Team crafted turned to look at me.

Jerome took in the tear stains on my face and asked what was wrong.

"I- well- these people-" I told them how Aliza got taken to a care home in Arizona, how she can't come back because she has no parents.

"I have an idea! Someone should adopt her!" Adam suggested.

"Yeah. Mitch you do it!" Kaylen agreed from her seat next to him.

"What?! I can't adopt my girlfriend!" I exclaimed. That would be taking things to a whole new level of strange.

"Well someone here has to do it!" Kaylen complained, folding her arms and pouting at me.

"I know! Ty you do it!" Quentin pointed at Ty who was sat quietly watching us.

"Why me?" Ty asked curiously.

"Because you're her best friend." Adam declared. "And don't use the excuse that it wouldn't work because she's pissed at you for breaking up with Adyson."

"You broke up with Adyson?!" Kaylen shouted.

"No she broke up with me." Ty answered. He sat there in thought before he nodded his head and grinned cheekily.

"I have the perfect idea."


Hey FireFlys sorry these updates are so short I have a lack of inspiration at the moment and black butler has kind of taken over my life. So in honour of me getting so many reads on this book, I want one of you guys to have the opportunity to be able to write a chapter to submit for chapter 32.

The basic idea is that the whole chapter is based off of Aliza's time in the orphanage. So yeah, if you would like to take part, tell me either in the comments or through DM.

Great news guys, you can now stalk me!

Instagram: Nyx_Sutcliff_GrimReaper
Twitter (to see me and my friend wonder tweet random shit): Girlygamersffws
Kik: FreeFireMc
Tumblr: FreeFiyah

That's all for today, sorry for the lack of uploads and the late short ones aswell.

Long live being reckless, Keep on burning, much Luv!

~FreeFireMc (the number one butler of death) out!

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