Chapter 16- Benj and Bac duo

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Aliza's Pov-

Birds chirped from outside the window and I opened my eyes. Looking around the room slowly, I could tell I was I my room. I mean, the custome made penguin bed covers kind of gave it away. My eyes landed on a figure sitting at my desk on my laptop.

"Adyson?" I questioned, uncertain of who it was that was using my laptop.

"Nope good guess though, We're both Canadian though" They said keeping their back to me. And of course, me in my sleepy state couldn't figure out who's voice it was.

"Tyler?" I asked. I'm pretty sure it was Tyler, who else is Canadian and in my room?

"Incorrect. One more try" They laughed. I roled my eyes and sat up in my bed, still wearing my clothes from yesterday.

I gave it a good thought and mentioned the last person I knew who was Canadian. "Benja Kanada" I mumbled rubbing my eyes.

"Correct! You've won absoulty nothing!" Mitch laughed as he turned on the lights.

"Nothing? after all that?" I teased.

"Correct again! But you can have a hug" Mitch laughed holding out his arms to me.

"And what makes you think I want a hug from you" I sassed, holding back my laugh as I put my hands on my hips.

Mitch's face fell in an instant and I instantly felt guilty... that was until he came up to me and started tickling me.

"Okay-Okay you can have your hug!" I squealed and he stopped tickling me, settling for the hugging option.

"So what you doing?" he asked as he let me go from the hug. I laughed at him and internally facepalmed.

"Nothing, I just woke up, got tickled and then got hugged by the Benja in a space of 5 minutes" I smiled.

"Oh okay. Well I'm going to make breakfast" He said cheerfully and walked out of the room.

I got dressed and hummed the lyrics to a song I liked at the moment, all about that bass by Meghan Trainer.

The smell of breakfast being cooked downstairs made be hungry and I hurried up with brushing my hair.

"Hey there Aliza" Meghan said as she walked into my bedroom.

"Hi Meg" I smiled. "Need anything?"

"Umm yeah, do you mind if I borrow some clothes?" Meghan asked quietly.

"Sure thing girl. My closets over there" I said pointing to it "Choose what you want, I'll be downstairs" I smiled and walked from the room as I tied up my hair in a ponytail.

"Hey Benja Benana" I greeted Mitch as I walked into the kitchen. I smiled at Jerome who sat on the countertop staring at me.

"Hey Ali!" Jerome yelled at the top if his voice.

"God Jerome be quiet! The others are still asleep in the front room! Apart from Meg" Mitch said as he continued to cook pancakes.

"Yeha fluffy, I think you just woke up the whole of China, and a couple states in Austrailia" I laughed.

Mitch served up the pancakes on four plates, one for me, one for him, one for Jerome and the last for Meg.

"Ali?" Jerome asked, his mouth full of pancakes.


"Do you have a youtube or a Minecraft account?" Jerome asked.

I shook my head. "Nope. I've not got either."

Jeromes face filled with light as he smiled widely. "We should make you one of each!"

"Good thinking Biggums" Mitch said before turning to me."What do you think?"

"I think it'll be fun! Lets do it!" I squealed clapping my hands together.

Me, Mitch and Jerome ran upstairs to my room and I plopped down into my spinning chair, leaving Mitch and Jerome to sit on my bed.

"Right names" I said grabbing a piece of paper and a pen.

"Umm how about something to do with Penguins?" Mitch suggested.

"Brilliant!" I squealed and handed Jerome the paper for him to write it down, I didn't want to so yeah.

After a couple more minutes thinking, Jerome handed Mitch the paper and he burst out laughing. "What?" I questioned.

Mitch showed me the paper and I burst out laughing. Jerome had drew a penguin walking through a puddle with a can of toxic waste behind it. Speaking of toxic waste, I turned around and grabbed one of the sweets from the desk and popped it into my mouth, without flinching at the sourness.

"How can you eat those things!" Mitch exclaimed calming down.

"I dunno I guess-"

I was cut off by Jerome standing up at yelling something about my name.

"I've got it!" He screamed. "ToxicPenguin!"

"Jerome that's Perfect!" I squealed. God I squealing a lot today, and it was only like 10am.

"I helped!" Mitch added.

"And Mitch helped" I laughed.

"The Benj and Bac duo are at it again!" Jerome yelled.

He was right, it was the name made by The benj and bac duo.

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