Women in Men's Clothing: 06

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Ye Junge closed his eyes to recuperate, and accompanied Mo Yuanling to sleep until noon. He was a little hungry before he was woken up.     

“What's the matter? "Mo Yuanling opened his eyes and kissed his lover, still indescribably tired in his voice.     

“I'm hungry. "Ye Junge pursed her lips, thinking that this statement was not good, so she changed it, “You have been sleeping for a long time, eat something before you go to sleep." ”     

Mo Yuanling smiled happily, his wife is so cute: "Okay, eat first, don't starve my daughter-in-law. ”     

“What's your name? "Ye Junge narrowed his eyes, reached in with one hand and directly held the two balls under someone's lifeblood, slightly exerting force.     

Mo Yuanling breathed a sigh of relief: “I was wrong, madam! Don't pinch it! ”     

Ye Junge snorted before letting go. Just because he can accept his wife does not mean that he can accept the feminine title of “daughter-in-law”, although... in fact, it's not bad.……     

After eating, Mo Yuanling cheated and refused to let go of Ye Junge. He still hugged him and slept beautifully. When he woke up, he would be on the moon.     

“Did you say you plan to stay up at night? "Ye Junge looked at him with a smile.     

Mo Yuanling added a spring roll to feed him, and solemnly said, “I have to do something else meaningful at night. ”     

“..." Ye Junge was speechless.     

Meaningful things or something...    

Half a month later, the capital returned to its prosperous posture, as if there had been no previous turmoil, but there was a big prince and some officials missing from the capital.

King Huaimin did not escape either. The palace did not know where the chaotic soldiers came from. King Huaimin was slashed and had to lie on the bed. Shizi broke his face and left a big scar on his face after the injury was healed, which was very scary.     

When the morning dynasty restarted, all the officials shrank like quails, and no one dared to stand up and speak, for fear of displeasing the emperor.     

They didn't want to make trouble, but it was a pity that the emperor didn't plan to let them continue to shrink, and they smashed down the notes one by one, and the things written on them were shocking to the world.     

“Don't you Aiqing pick it up and have a look? "Emperor Qi was not angry and arrogant, and the officials buried their heads even lower, but Taifu stepped forward and picked up one of them and glanced at it, his face changed drastically on the spot.     

“Your Majesty! This? "

Taifu shook his hands and held the notes, neither throwing them nor taking them.     

Emperor Qidi looked at the notes picked up by the teacher, and his expression eased a bit: “Taifu doesn't have to be like this, it's none of Taifu's business. "

Waving his hand, he motioned to the eunuch to go down and pick it up, and read it to them one by one.     

Every time I read a sentence, the ministers standing at the foot of the steps were horrified.     

The note said nothing else, but that the prince had done “good things”, including poisoning the emperor.     

When the prince heard this one, he didn't care about the ones below that hadn't been finished, so he quickly stepped forward and knelt down, crying out for injustice: “Father! Erchen can appreciate your filial piety! You must not be blinded by adulterers! ”     

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