Do You Feel That?

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Katsuki had spent the night with Shouto. Shouto had almost instantly fallen asleep when Katsuki wrapped his arms around him. Katsuki fell asleep shortly after. Katsuki opened his eyes, he saw the back of Shouto's head. His white hair was flowing down into his red. Katsuki smiled with sleepy eyes, he tightened his hold around Shouto and brought him closer.

Shouto stirred and hummed in response to the warmth engulfing him.
"Caramel." Shouto hummed when he spoke.

"Good morning." Katsuki whispered.

"Good morning." Shouto stayed facing away from Katsuki. "I'm sorry." Shouto said.

"Why are you sorry? I don't even know what happened..." Katsuki admitted.

Shouto rolled to face him now. He took Katsuki's arm from around him and he put both of the their hands outside the blanket. "Hold your hand open. Yes, like that." Shouto whispered while he adjusted Katsuki's palm out.
Shouto lit his left index finger and slowly got closer to Katsuki's palm. Katsuki's palm lit with a small explosion, mostly sparks. Shouto did it again.

"It scared me before." Shouto put his hand on Katsuki's chest. "Do you feel that?"

Katsuki nodded slowly, he didn't want to admit it, but he couldn't deny it either.

"That's what scared me." Shouto started to tear up.

"Oi, Icyhot, don't cry." Katsuki said while he wiped Shouto's tears. "Why did that scare you?" He asked gently.

"I...lots of reasons." Shouto looked away from the boy in his bed.

"Were you afraid I didn't feel the same?" Katsuki didn't know what to ask or what to say but he didn't want to end the conversation.

"Yes but...I have a crush on...another person too." Shouto admitted reluctantly. He didn't say their name but they both knew. Shouto just didn't think Katsuki did.

"Deku." Katsuki sighed. He tried not to get angry. It really irritated him that Deku, of all people, would be the one that takes Shouto away from him.

"I hate this." Shouto said.

"What?" Katsuki asked, still trying to control the irritation.

"Izuku made some kind of move on me last night. It didn't feel right. I felt guilty even though it had been days since we last spoke."

"I thought I was wrong for feeling ..this way because we never discussed that." Katsuki blushed. "Plus...I knew about the Deku thing." Katsuki rolled his eyes when he said that.

"Can I take you on a date?" Shouto asked suddenly.

Katsuki's stomach dropped.
"I...uh..." Katsuki blushed. "I mean...yeah. obviously." He laughed nervously and rolled his eyes.

Shouto grabbed Katsuki's red cheeks and kissed Katsuki on the lips. Katsuki hummed in surprised but kissed him right back. They pulled back and pressed their foreheads together. They both smiled, then they started laughing.

"Could I..maybe hold you?" Shouto asked quietly.

"Uhm! Yes!" Katsuki smiled as Shouto opened his arms with his own smile.

Katsuki tucked his head under Shouto's chin and rested his cheek on his chest. Both of them putting arms around eachother.

"Is this real?" Katsuki asked, blissfully.

"Yes." Shouto answered with a smirk, then he kissed Katsuki's hair.

After lying in silence for awhile, just enjoying each other. Katsuki had to ask, breaking the silence.
"When you takin' me on that date?" He smiled, and sighed from the sense of peace he felt while resting on Shouto's chest.

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