Wanna Do Something Fun Today?

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    Bakugou snuck up the stairs hoping no one would see him. It was still pretty early he didn't want to take any risks. It was Saturday, he wanted to take Shouchan out and do something fun today. He wanted to spend the day with his little, was it so bad that he wanted an early start?

    Todoroki had given him his spare key to his dorm room so he could get in and out as he needed to. Bakugou was just going use it all the time. He stuck the key in the lock and went into Shouchan's room.
Bakugou set his messenger bag on the floor and his water bottle on the desk. He knelt down next to the bed. Shouchan was sleeping and looked so peaceful. Bakugou put his hand on his cheek and then pulled his fingers through the red strains of hair. His thumb traced the shape of Shouchan's face scar.

    That's when Todoroki's eyes fluttered open.
"Good morning Shouchan." Bakugou cooed. He didn't even recognize his own voice but he just wanted whatever felt natural to happen. As happy as Shouchan was to have a Papa, Bakugou was happy to have a little.

"Papa, it's too early!" Shouchan yawned.

"No Shouchan, I want to take you somewhere fun today." Bakugou said giggling.

"Can we sleepy for a little longer? It's still dark Papa." Bakugou looked out the window, Shouchan made a good point.

Bakugou sat down on the bed and sighed.

"Papa?" Shouchan chirped.

"Yes Shouchan?" Bakugou smiled even tho Shouchan couldn't see him at the end of the bed.

Todoroki felt weird asking...but he wanted it. He hoped for the best, "Can...can we...will you hol'-me?"

    Bakugou kind of froze for a second. Did he want to cuddle? Yes, he did. Is it weird to cuddle your little? No, he distinctly remembers reading you should cuddle. They aren't dating though, is it weird to cuddle your friend? Bakugou wasn't going to say no to his Shouchan regardless.

    Bakugou climbed from the bottom of the bed to behind Shouchan. He wrapped his arms around him and pulled his little into his chest.
Bakugou didn't fall asleep he just let Shouchan fall asleep in his arms.
He listened to him breathe and felt at ease.
He couldn't tell if he liked Todoroki or if he just liked being his Papa. Was it both? He didn't feel this way until after finding out about the age regression, it made him think it's probably just that. Even though, even now, Shouchan just sleeping, Bakugou had that warm feeling rise in his chest again.

     Todoroki's eyes opened, he had his head resting on Bakugou's chest. His right arm was draped over Bakugou's torso and his right leg was slung over both of Bakugou's legs. Todoroki inhaled deeply into a yawn and hummed on exhale.
"You smell like caramel did you know that? Very sweet." Todoroki said resting his head gently back on Bakugou's chest.

Bakugou hummed, "hmm..No, why would I know that?" Bakugou put his hand in Todoroki's two toned hair. He tried to mix the colors in the middle.

"You mean, no one has ever told you?" Todoroki scrunched his brow even though the blonde boy couldn't see his face.

Bakugou tightened his fingers over Todoroki's right shoulder.
"No." Bakugou chuckled.

"Everyone knows this about you." Todoroki picked his head up and looked at him surprised. Bakugou was on his back propped up on the pillows.

"Everyone? All you extras talk about my smell?" He said in a gruff voice that Shouto felt rumble in his chest.

"I-uh... quite a few at least." Shouto felt like maybe be said something wrong.

Katsuki started blushing and then grumbled, "I don't smell sweet."

"Yes, like caramel." Shouto sat up, he smiled and nodded, "Midoriya said it's the nitroglycerin."

    Shouto's pajama Tshirt was too big, when he sat up his shoulder and collarbone were showing. It made him completely forget he mentioned stupid Deku. Katsuki all of sudden felt like he was in bed with Todoroki, and not Shouchan. While yes, Bio age Todoroki Shouto, future pro hero, is very attractive, to the point where Katsuki hasn't stopped thinking about him for weeks now, he still never intended to grow actual romantic or...sexual feelings toward him.

    Hiding and sneaking around to be around each other makes it more fun, but it adds to Katsuki's frustrations.

"Yeah well, Deku is stupid." Katsuki blushed.

"About that, can I make a request?" Shouto sat up straight and looked down.

Katsuki sat up now and used his index finger and thumb to lift Shouto's head to look into Katsuki's deep red eyes. Shouto gulped and blushed a little.

"What's the request?" Katsuki raised an eyebrow staring back into the duel colored eyes.

"Uh...sorry I got distracted. Midoriya," Katsuki let his hand fall from the other boys face and rolled his eyes. "Could we either not talk about him at all, which may be difficult for me but I can try, or I..I don't want to hear anything mean about him." Shouto was bracing for the rage at the thought of doing anything like that.

Katsuki looked thoughtful. He figured he could try...but the idiot is really annoying.
"I'll try to do both, if you do slip up and mention him, I'll try not to be mean. For you." Then he emphasized "I'll try."

Shouto nodded, "I appreciate that."

"Do you still want to do something fun? Or are you fine with being cooped up?" Katsuki chuckled.

"What did you have in mind?" Shouto asked, he sounded curious and sounded almost little.

"I was going to give you a choice, but I think I know what you'll pick." Katsuki ruffled the boys hair and got off the bed to go to Shouto's closet.

"Could you surprise me instead?" Shouto asked quietly and then covered his face with his hands.

Katsuki laughed, "Yeah, of course, you'll like it a lot I think. Do you want to help pick out your outfit for today?" Katsuki opened the double accordion doors to the closet.

Shouto stood up and went to the closet
"How will I know what to wear, if I don't know where I'm going?" Shouto looked down at Katsuki standing next to him, who went into a thinking face.

"A t shirt would be okay, a sweater would be too warm, unless it was thin. Definitely no shorts it might be a little chilly, it's outside and inside." Katsuki tried to help with his choices.

"Hmm" Shouto hummed.

   Shouto pulled a navy blue button up shirt, it was short sleeved. It had little dogs embroidered all over it with light pink thread. Then he chose black skinny jeans. He thought for a moment and then got a t shirt out that said something in English, "Live, Laugh, Love" it was white with light pink lettering.

"Shoes." Katsuki reminded him.

"Oh, yeah!" Shouchan laughed. "Are we walkin' lots?" He asked and sat down by his shoe rack.

"A little bit, yes." Katsuki answered.

"Papa, does purple match?" Shouchan picked up light purple slip on Vans.

"You can wear the purple ones." Katsuki assured the little one.

Shouchan smiled and stood up.

"Do you need help getting dressed today or do you wanna try yourself?" Katsuki asked setting all the clothes Shouchan threw to him on the bed.

"I can do it!" Shouchan kind of whined.

"Okay, okay. I'll be right outside the door when you're ready. If you need help come ask." Katsuki kissed his own fingertips and tapped it to Shouchan's forehead.

Shouchan giggled and turned to his clothes Katsuki left him to getting ready. He couldn't wait to surprise Shouchan with this fun day trip. Shouchan will be able to be as little as he wants when they get there.

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