Wanna Play With Me?

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Katsuki and Shouto walked back into the dorms. Neither of them noticed they were still holding hands. They had been for the entire walk back so it didn't occur to them to let go now. Katsuki had an uncharacteristically genuine smile plastered on his face as Shouto spoke of his his mother. He had just recently started visiting her in the hospital. Shouto had nothing but wonderful things to say about her.

Shouto caught Izuku's eyes from across the open common area. In the same moment Shouto let Katsuki's hand fall out of his.

"Shou?" Katsuki's smile fell as he realized stupid Deku was headed toward them. "Tch." Katsuki rolled his eyes and walked away. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut.

"Shouto! Where have you been?" Izuku asked as he walked up to him. He glanced in the direction of Katsuki.

"We went to the park and had lunch." Shouto said as he gestured in the direction Katsuki went.

Izuku moved closer and whispered, "I texted you back this morning. I'm really sorry." Izuku was sincere.

"It's okay." Shouto smirked he knew Katsuki was watching, not that he was scared of Katsuki, not anymore, but he didn't want to hurt his feelings accidentally by making a wrong move.

"Okay..." Izuku stepped backwards and wrung his hands. "...it worried me when you didn't text back is all." He admitted.

"You don't need to worry, I was just busy and forgot to check my phone. I'm sorry." Shouto tried to reassure him.

"You know, you're acting different." Izuku's eyes started to fill with tears.

"Izuku..." Shouto stepped forward and put his hand on his shoulders. "Please don't cry. Someone I care about cares about me too." Shouto smiled.

Katsuki walked up to the other two.
"Shou?" Katsuki said hanging on to his last thread of patience.

"Yes Katsuki, I'm behind you." He said to Katsuki and dropped his arms to his sides.
"Everything is wonderful." He smiled at Izuku who still looked confused and tears still threatened to fall.

"I promise, I'm okay. I'll talk to you later okay?" Shouto tried to reassure him.

Katsuki smiled at him when he turned to finally follow him upstairs. Shouto could feel himself slipping into his headspace when he saw Papa's smile. When they stepped into the elevator and the door closed, Shouchan wrapped his arms around Katsuki and clung himself to him. Katsuki turned his head over and up, to kiss his boyfriend's chin.

"Mine." Katsuki said in a low tone.

"Yes!" Shouchan replied excited but Katsuki could tell he was still in need of a nap.

The elevator opened and they went to Shouchan's room. Sero again caught them as he was leaving his room. Katsuki rolled his eyes at Sero while Shouto fiddled with his keys with too many keychains.

"Hi, you two! Have fun today?" Sero asked with a big smile.

"It was super, super fun, Sero!" He turned Katsuki around to open his bag. He decided to take Katsuki's bag off of him and sat on the floor in front of his cracked dorm room door.

Katsuki noticed right away he was regressed pretty deep now.
"Do you want to take a nap Shouchan?" Katsuki asked him trying to urge him into the room, where he could regress safely.

"I wanna show Sero the stuff I got at the park, Papa." He sort of whined with a pout as he looked up from the floor at Katsuki.

"I'm not doing anything right now, you wanna go into your room to show me what ya got, bud?" Sero knelt down to Shouchan's eye level. He figured out why Katsuki wanted to move to behind a closed door.

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