Papa, Will You...?

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Katsuki woke up when there was a knock on his door. He looked at his clock, it was 4am. Katsuki grunted and went to his door.

"What is it?" He groaned and squinted his eyes at the light coming from the doorway.
It was Shouto.
"Shouto, we gotta make you a key." He rubbed his eyes and let the boy in.
"Are you okay?" Katsuki asked as they both sat on his bed.

"No, I woke up from a nightmare and then I couldn't stop looking at my face in the mirror. I thought...I guess, I just wanted to see you." Shouto admitted quietly, he felt guilty for waking him up.

It was still dark in Katsuki's room but he could tell by Shouto's voice alone he was going to cry.
"Do you want to talk about your nightmare? What do you mean about your face?"
Katsuki reached for his hand and laced their fingers.

"It's my scar." Shouto said quietly as he lightly touched the scar covering half of his forehead and his left eye.

"Your nightmare was about your scar?" Katsuki asked as he tried to put the pieces together.

"Mhm." Shouto hummed in agreement. He could feel the effects the nightmare had on his age regression.

"About how you got the scar?" Katsuki asked hesitantly.

"Yeah...I don't like it." Shouto covered his face and started to cry into his hands.

Katsuki pulled him by his middle, further into his bed and had him lie down with him.

"'s okay." Katsuki hushed while he tried to comfort him as he held him to his chest. He started to stroke Shouto's hair softly.

"It makes me ugly. I hate it! It's gross looking." Shouto said through his sobbing.

"You're beautiful, Shouto. With or without your scar. I don't even notice it. I never really did." Katsuki whispered and then kissed Shouto's forehead.

"You don't?" Shouto asked, he wiped his face as he calmed down a little bit.

"Nope, I forget about it until you bring it up. I'm betting other people feel the same way." Katsuki said as a matter of fact. He held Shouto a bit tighter.

"I wish I didn't see it." Shouto said deflated.

By the light of Katsuki's alarm clock and soft glow from outside, coming through his window, he could see Shouto's face now that his eyes have a adjusted. He ran his thumb gently over the edges of Shouto's scar.

"I really do think you're beautiful, you know? This scar makes no difference to me." Katsuki said lovingly.

Shouto let more tears fall and Katsuki wiped them off his face as they poured out.

"It's not ugly?" Shouto asked in a small voice. Katsuki noticed his tone change, he had a sad little on his hands.

"No, you're pretty, Shouchan. The prettiest little boy in the world." Katsuki kissed Shouchan all over his face, he made sure to kiss every inch of his scar.

Shouchan giggled and sniffled softly.
"Papa, you're pretty too. I like your eyes, and your hair, and your skin. I like your smile the most."
When Shouchan was little he didn't have a filter and felt like he could say anything to his Papa.

Katsuki was glad for the dim lighting because he knew his face was red, the compliments made him blush.

"I like your hair and eyes, I like the mixed colors. I like your skin too, it's very soft. You smell good too. Almost like winter snow or cold air." Katsuki whispered to his little and snuggled with him.

"I like you." Shouto said gently. He felt a lot better when Katsuki was holding him close.

"I like you, too." Katsuki whispered again.

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