End it all?

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Izuku looked down at the streets below. This would be the the last time that he would see them again. Maybe I shouldn't jump, he thought, There may still be hope for- who am I kidding. My own idol  had told me that I couldn't be a hero. He thought back to his incident with the slime villain, when he thought that he was going to die, his throat burning and his lungs bursting. He had known that he was going to die, if he hadn't shown up. Like a knight in shining armour, his very appearance radiated power and noble usage of it. He raised his massive fist, pulled it back, and as he was swinging it forward, grunted the words "Detroit Smash" blowing the slime villain away. Before finally losing into a dark void of consciousness, he uttered the words of the hero who saved him, as well as his own idol, "All Might"

"Young man, are you alright" Izuku heard through his head. He slowly woke up, his throat burning, the wounds that Kacchan had given him burning from the cold... Wait, cold? Izuku looked down and saw that his shirt was half melted, probably from the villain 
that had tried to use him as a false body. Wait. Who asked him if he was okay? Izuku looked up and his jaw dropped. " A-A-All M-Might?!?"

After All Might had signed his notebook, he started to walk away. Izuku knew that this was the perfect chance to ask him the only question he had. The only question that really mattered to him, anyways. "How can someone quirk less like me become a hero?" Izuku called toward him. All Might looked back towards him, a look of sympathy on his face as he said, "You can't, young man"
That was it. Izuku last hope at living, walking away, just like that.

Now here Izuku stood, on top of a building, looking down at the people below. Before he could have any more second thoughts about his decision, he hopped off the edge. Facing head first towards the ground.

No. He didn't want to die facing the people that tortured him for all of his life. He turned upwards. The last thing Izuku wanted to see was the rainy sky...

The speed that he fell down from made the water covering his clothes fall back into the sky.

All of a sudden, Izuku heard a voice. A soft, kind, but annoyed voice tell him, "Remember yourself, Zenitsu, remember yourself"

The sky rumbled above him, sparks running through the clouds, gathering. RIGHT. ABOVE. HIM. Then lightning struck him. Not normal colored lightning. Not white, or blue, not even the rare yellow colored lightning. No, the color was....


Aaaaand that's the first chapter, folks! This was my first story, so I hope you enjoyed it! Comment down below if you want the story to continue! Until then, Adios!

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