Ghostly Pranks

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Nova was driving through the cemetery when, without her even touching it, her seat belt unclicked. She freaked out and tried to quickly rebuckle it but in her haste she jerked the steering wheel sharply to the right. Her car veered off the road and in her panic she slammed on the gas rather than the break. The car slammed into a large tomb stone and she was vaulted out of her seat and smashed into the windshield. It shattered at the impact. 
Nova was pretty sure she died when she hit the windshield honestly but if that wasn't what killed her it was her being thrown into another tomb stone further into the cemetery. 
She sat up and realized her body didn't sit up with her, she noticed a little boy sitting on a tombstone next to her. He was smirking but he kind of also looked a little horrified. 
"Sorry it was just supposed to be a joke to scare you a little, I wasn't expecting it to turn into that train wreck." He said to her a little sheepishly. Nova looked between the boy and the car. 
"You caused my car accident?" Nova asked in disbelief. 
"No, all I did was unbuckle your seatbelt, the rest of that was all you." 
"Okay but if I had been wearing my seatbelt I'd still be alive, not to mention I wouldn't have swerved if it hadn't been unbuckled in the first place." 
"I did apologize, didn't I?" 
Nova huffed in frustration at the boy. 
"You're taking this all very lightly for basically just murdering someone." 
"Looks to me like a freak accident, but whatever you say lady. Being dead is better anyway. You'll get over it." 
"I had a life thank you very much, and now, thanks to you, it's over!" Nova shouted, frustrated. 
"Well now you can have an unlife or whatever." The boy said as he jumped down from the tombstone, "Welcome to the graveyard." He added as he walked away. 

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