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⚠️Very little angst

Changbin and Minho were sat on the olders bed, making out as they haven't done so in a while. However one of them wasn't feeling all too comfortable; Minho.

It wasn't because he didn't enjoy kissing his soon to be husband, but rather because he was scared of taking things further than that and he knew Changbin was onto it.

"Hyung.. it's been so long, can we-"

Minho instantly pulled away at the beginning of the sentence, standing up and heading for the door as quickly as possible, trying to come up with any random excuse.

"Ahh I just remembered Chan wanted to talk to me about this new idea for his business, I shouldn't let him wait, sorry Binnie!!"

He informed with a slightly louder voice before turning on his heels and exiting the room.

Changbin still sat there dumbfounded as everything happened so fast. This wasn't the first time he has rejected the younger that way.

"What's going on with him?" he mumbled with a sigh following, standing up and heading for the olders bathroom to get rid of the problem the had brought opon himself by making out with Minho.


"I hate this!" Minho yelled at the mirror he was seeing himself in "I hate you!"

"Why can't you just be good enough?!"

"Why can't you be good enough for him?!"

"Look at you, you don't even deserve to marry him!"

"You're so worthless, I hate you so much!"

The boy slowly broke down in tears as he kept on yelling these hurtful things to himself. Leaning against the nearby wall and letting his body slide down against it, running his hands through his hair multiple times in frustration.

He hated himself. Wanted to be someone else. Someone better.

He hated his body, his personality, his work, his life. He hated everything.

He couldn't satisfy Changbin. Not in any way. Not sexually, not mentally; couldn't make him happy enough. He isn't funny enough. Doesn't have an exciting personality.

And since he was feeling so insecure about himself, he started rejecting Changbin.

Not kissing him as often anymore. Not giving him any cuddles at night, definitely not sleeping with him. Not talking to him as often anymore. He just started distancing himself.

"Minho? Are you in there?" He suddenly heard Chans soft and worried voice, making him jump right up into a standing position.

He sniffed and wiped away the tears on his face, cleared his throat and tried to talk with the most normal voice possible "Yeah, what's up?"

"You've been in there for pretty long, you okay?"

"O-oh yeah yeah, I'm all good. Just peeing and stuff"

"Minho" Chan started and the younger instantly knew he had noticed "Don't lie to me, I've known you for 7 years"

"I promise I'm good Chan"

"Then why did you lie to Changbin about wanting to talking to me?"

"Well I- I was about to do so, just went to the toilet first"

"Do you realize you've been in the bathroom for 40 minutes already? Besides, I don't have any business idea I need to talk to you about anyway"

"No it's... it's.."

MinBin // OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now