Chapter 9

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            ⚠️trigger warning⚠️
                emotional abuse
             criticism and neglect
            forced sex on a minor

It all comes in the form of a dream and Jimin opening up so yes. Thank you for your time.


Oh no. The feelings and the screams have come alive in Jimin's head once again. He woke up in cold sweat, and sat up on his small bed. His tears were streaming down his cheeks and they just won't stop.

He wiped his tears as best as he could but he couldn't stop crying. His dad always told him to never cry but this was an exception.

He covered his face in his pillow and dampen it with his tears. Crying made his eyes hurt, but he felt better. (a/n: Crying is good, remember to let those tears out sometimes. It's what makes us humans)

After a good half hour of mental breakdown, he checked the time and saw that it was only 2 in the morning. He didn't want to sleep anymore because he feared that the nightmares will return, but he needed sleep because he went to bed at 10 pm.

If only Yoongi or Hoseok was with him, cuddling with him and telling him it was gonna be alright. But the both of them are probably sleeping peacefully and he didn't wanna bother them. It sounds a bit narcissistic dontcha think?

He stared at the end of the bed with a blank face. He saw the stuffed bear that Yoongi got for him at the Theme Park  and realised that it must have some pheromones left by his boyfriend.

He reached over to the stuffed bear, Mimi, and hugged him tightly as he could. It was a bit comforting to smell the faint yet sweet, spicy scent of his mate and soon fell asleep again.

It was the weekend, so he ain't needn't work and slept till it was 10 am. He slowly opened his eyes and found that he was still grabbing on to Mimi the bear.

He shot out from bed and washed himself up. His eyes were a little red and puffy from the breakdown the night before. But he felt better than not crying at all. Letting feelings out time to time is actually a healthy thing.

He checked his phone and saw that there were several missed calls from Seokjin hyung, Yoongi hyung and Hoseok; along with a text from the same three and Taehyung.

He called them back and apologised for not answering their phone calls and texts.

Yoongi came over. Surprise but in tiny. Jimin greeted him and told him to go inside his small apartment. It feels like the alpha knows exactly what he needed: He Himself.

He watched as the omega was talking and laughing about his favourite boy band *coughs TXT coughs* and their songs. He could see, even if the other hides it, the pain he was bottling up inside of him. He noticed that his eyes were slightly puffy and red which could only mean one thing: He CRIED last noight.

"Babe, what's wrong? Did you cry last night? You can always tell me if you're comfortable with it.."

Jimin turned over to him. This was the first time he called him 'Babe', and he loved the way it sounds.

"Hyung....Is it really okay if I tell you what I bottled up till now?"

Jimin sighed and looked at the other in the eyes. And by GOD it was beautiful just like the day they first made eye contact with each other.

"I had a nightmare... About my father..and my past.."
"....Wanna talk about it?"

Chim pouted but continued.

"Well, it's about 12,13 years ago. My mom and dad were falling apart and got a divorce. Simply, I stayed with my dad and my mom left with my unborn sister. Staying with my dad is the biggest mistake of my life. He would scold me harshly, manipulate me, and reminded me that I was just an accident in his late teens, which I am.

"I can't remember most of my teens, but I know this for sure. He criticised my every behaviour and livestyle. And once he...."

He was starting to cry. Quick, Yoongi, hug him hug him.

The alpha opened his arms so as to give him a hug. Jimin quickly buried his face in his chest and cried. Yoongi felt pity rising up in him. He already knew most of his trauma from Hoseok but hearing it from Jimin himself.... it hits harder.

"He... penetrated into me while I was unconscious. And I have a few gynecological problems because of it..."

Yoongi has never heard of this from ANYONE before so it shocked him a bit.

Just how evil was his dad??

"He..raped you? You? His own son?"

Words were not coming out from the other anymore. He just nodded and cried harder.

"Yoongi, are you diguststed by me? Me who's emotionally torn, mentally unstable, raped by his own dad, living a miserable life carrying the shame of it and got trust issues? I know you'll probably want to just dump me and I understand...."

Yoon's eyes widened at Jimin's choice of words. He looked down to him and saw the most adorable, sympathetic little being staring back at him with his pure eyes.

"NOoo, why would I ever dump you? You were a very good boy and you don't deserve the way your father treats you. I love you just the way you are and things like this won't make it lesser. I'm always here and.. in here."

The older pointed at Jimin's chest. Jimin let out a tiny giggle. Yoongi heart skipped a beat. Chim then gave a 3-second peck on his lips and that was the first kiss they shared.

"Hyung, I just want an ordinary yet memorable life. Can you share this goal with me?"
"Of course~~"
"And keep calling me baby, I love the way you say it~"

Yoongi chuckled and hugged him tightly, kissing him on his head and whispering words of affection in his ears.
Oh if only everyone had someone they trust enough to share their deepest trauma with. Anyway like usual stay safe. Borahae!~

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