Chapter 34

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"Ugh we've been here for hours... I'm bit bored.."
Hoseok whined in tiny.

"Jimin told me he was at 5 cm.. it's still a long way to go." Seokjin added.

"you know,,.people can be in labour for as long as a day, they told me my mom was in labour for 25 hours with me." Tae replied.

"Then maybe he got it from you Taehyung.."
"Calm down you can go if you want."
"Really Yoongi hyung?"
"Really. It's okay."

Seokjin went home to his babies because he was anxious about them being with Namjoon. Hoseok had to go to work too so he left.

So now it was just Taehyung and Yoongi.


They've got no topic for a conversation so they sat silently. For a minute or two.

"Do you ever...*beep* during sex?"
"God!, why ask that?"
"S-sorry.. just wanted to know.."


"Two or three times."
"Oh. Me too.."

Another silence.

"When Gguk and I were talking about these things, he told me most omegas like it when we *beep*.. you know.."
"Has he done it with one?"
"Hell yeah."
"That's cool. And I know they like it."

Jimin came out of the room. Yoongi and Taehyung looked at him with big, curious eyes.

"He's at 9 centimetres. The doctor said it was gonna be fine, but they said he might need to do a C-section; Overall, He's gonna be fine."

Tae let out a sigh of relief.

"Taetae, do you wanna be with him instead?"
"Ah-I uh-..I don't think..I can.. I don't really know what to to support..all those things?.."
"Don't force yourself. I can still do it. Why don't the two of you buy something to eat? Gguk's craving for Cheese Soufflé and I want a sponge cake."

The two alphas went off to a nearby cafe. Jimin smiled fondly, thinking about how lucky he and Gguk were to have them in their life. And prayed to whoever that matched them asking for them to stay throughout the short life span of theirs.

He went inside the room again.

Jungkook's pain we're reaching the peak. He was basically holding in his screams, and screeching at an annoying tone.

"How're we doing doctor?"
"It's almost there... we have to wait for a while. Although I don't think it would be possible to give birth through the canal.. It's not that wide... we may have to do a C-section for the sake of the baby.."
"WHaT?" Jungkook winced. "A c-section?! It's gonna scar??"

He started hyperventilating. Jimin quickly placed Kook's head in his chest.

"Gguk. Listen to my heartbeat. It's normal. Right?"

The younger nodded.

"I am calm about this. There's nothing to be afraid of. You can do this. You are the strongest omega I know. You have a black belt in Taekwondo for God's sake..!!"

"Okay...pls stay with me..please..."
"Honey...of course I would. I can stay right doctor??"
"Yes of course."

Yoongi and Taehyung had returned and took a quick peek. Jimin popped out of the room which made them finch and almost screamed.

"Change of plans. They have to do a Caesarean Section. It may be a bit longer. Ya boys have the food?"
"Hold it for us. It'll be done soon.."
"Good luck.."

Jimin made a 👌 as he went back in the room and put on the protective hat, top and trousers for hygienic reasons.

But he too became a bit anxious at the sight of Kookie being strapped down on the bed to prevent movements during the surgery.


Jungkook's voice was faint and weak. Jimin caressed his head, trying to comfort him as best as he could.

"It won't be long. 45 minutes."
"You'll stay..Right?"
"Definitely~~ I love you.."

Kook had a soft smile, making Jimin's heart melt. They injected him with a anaesthetic agent and proceed.

"What if he's not okay?? What if he dies!? What if I had to raise the baby alone!!?? My families don't like the baby and Gguk!"
"What do you mean they don't?"
"I don't wanna talk about it.."
"Okay. But it's gonna be fine. No one fucking dies in a c-section.(Right?)"

Minutes felt like hours. Taehyung was panicking, and Yoongi tried his best to make him achieve inner peace.

A long 50 minutes later.

The baby was successfully out and alive, barely. A faint cry could be heard, which Gguk's sharp ears heard.

"It's out!?"
"Yeah! They just have to stitch you up and nurse the baby carefully... You were brave, and I'm proud of you Ggukie.."
Jimin whispered and kissed him on the forehead.

"The gender?"
"It's a boy~~"

It looked like Jungkook was about to cry loudly, but instead it was silent tears. He gripped Chim's wrist tightly and murmured several 'thank you's.

The baby was taken care by the doctor and nurses. Jimin tried to distract Jungkook from seeing the doctors hurriedly yet calmly putting several tubes on the baby.

Since the baby's respiratory system wasn't fully developed and the haemoglobin was low, he was given blood transfusion and fitted some weird pipes on his tiny body.

Jimin huffed and went outside. Taehyung was sleeping and resting his head on Yoongi's shoulder. Jimin smiled seeing him so relaxed at a time of distress.

He woke him up and told him he can finally see the baby and Ggukie.

The happiness in Taehyung's eyes...
When he saw Jungkook was well, when he stared at baby Kim-Jeon through the transparent glass of the incubator, when he said he was a dad of a cute baby boy....

The other couple were emotional.

Poor Jungkook was kept on a liquid diet, to avoid bloating. So he teared up and pouted when he heard he couldn't eat the Souffle he craved for the past few hours.

Taehyung kissed him a thousand times, saying how much he loves him and the newborn, and how thankful he was for giving him such an adorable little baby.

Yoongi and Jimin decided to pay for the baby's hospital stuffs, but didn't mention it yet.

It's a surprise....
LALALALALALA~~ mm? 'what song?'? That's purely up to u.

Anyways, hope u stay safe and eating well~ BoRaHaE readers 💜💜🌈

PS: School starts again so I won't be uploading qiuckly as before, which was already slow..but i'll try to upload quickly (once a week)..

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