Chapter 54

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Weeks has passed. Jimin missed Yoongi and Taemin very much. Although he had the time and space he had needed, he now wants Yoongi.

The indescribable desire for his pheromones was growing stronger day by day.

Yoongi would come over to Gguk's place, giving a few of his clothes and basic heat necessities time to time. But Jimin didn't need them.

He didn't have heat for the first month..

"Oh my God.."
"What is it hyung?"

Jimin was in a mild state of panic.

"My abs... I'm gaining weight.." Jimin whispered staring at his belly.
Jungkook giggled.

"That's cute."
"YOu DoN'T UNdErSTaNd!! It'll ruined my figure..."

Kook put on glasses and got into a serious position.

"Do you know why women and omegas have more fat than men and alphas?"
"Their estrogen is higher, and since estrogen is 90% fat-"
"Cchhi-cchi.. shh. They have more stuff to go through and more problems.. they need anti-stress squishies on their body... Thus the soft fat."

Jimin was flabbergasted. He stared at Jungkook with the most confused look. But oddly, it made sense.

But still he restricted his food intake and started pilates and HIIT. They told Hobi to send veggies and thus the calorie count starts.

He tried and tried, but it felt like he was gaining more and more weight. He has never had this much struggle trying to lose weight.

Depression really fucks you up. Isn't it true?

Even Jungkook, Taehyung, pretty much every one except Yoon, who hasn't heard about it, told him to just let it be and stop torturing himself so much.

Jimin had several breakdowns because of this.

"I don't wanna be thin!! I don't wanna lose weight!! I just wanna be healthy!!"
"Oh God this fat looks disgusting on me.. I need to lose it..."
"This looks cute.. my face looks so plump.."

The amount of euphoria and dysphoria was the same, and it killed Jimin on the inside.

If only Yoongi was there, comforting and kissing him on the forehead like he used to.

NO. He can't go back. Not at this moment..

He could finally let go of his body dysmorphia and let go of the excessive workout. Though he kept his strict diet on.

At least he couldn't eat most food, as if contributing to his aim. That and his weird craving for paper.

Another two weeks has passed. Which marks the one and halfth month of YoonMin separation.
His belly fat expanded, but only he could notice the faintest bulge on him.

Seokjin hyung had warned him several time to eat more food, it is a gift to humanity, he said. "But Jin hyung, I want to, but I can't" was his reply.

Eventually Jin gave up. He knew it can't be helped. He came to the conclusion that if Jimin thinks it's the best for him, then he'd respect that.

It was Namjoon's turn. He and Jin has seen Jimin as their own kid from the very beginning and his whole activities were making him concerned.
"You are the smartest kid I know.. and I am sure you are aware this is not right... At least talk to your husband or make up with each other.."
"...but I'm scared.."

Namjoon tried over and over. He ain't giving up so soon.

Amongst the friend group, Hoseok suffered the most. He'd just cry and cry on Jimin's lap, telling him to come back to them, and talked about how life was so empty without Jimin in his apartment. Jimin was a crying mess too.

Why hasn't Yoongi come? Well, they texted bluntly, so contact wasn't completely lost. He just couldn't see his face.
He was in shock from all the drama that happened within a short time.

Yoongi understandingly gave him space, and took care of Taemin, though very hard, without him.
He knows for sure Jimin missed Taemin too.

One day, he was cheerfully making dinner. He put an ungodly amount of spices into the.. thing he was making.

All of a sudden, everything around him faded out the last thing he heard was the distant noises of Taehyung and Jungkook calling him by his name.

'Not again...'

The moment he opened his eyes, bright light beamed. He took a second to adjust to it and finally rubbed his eyes for clearer vision, wondering where he was.

"Hyung's awake~~ hyung are you okay?" Gguk appeared from his right, Tae smiling next to him. Hoseok buried his face on Chim's belly, sniffling and thanking him. What was that about?

Namjoon was talking to a doctor and Seokjin sat next to Hobi, looking down and tightly holding Jimin's hand. Y/n was there too..

Everyone was there except Yoongi...

"What am I doing here? Because I fainted? It's not like it's the first time..."
"Oh my Lord— it's not yor first time fainting??" Seokjin whisper-shouted.
Jimin nodded and told everyone everything.

"Well, I have some news for you, Mrs Min, and it might shock you."

Surprisingly Jimin digested the news pretty well.

"We didn't inform Yoongi, because we didn't wanna bother him. He's under a lot of stress too..." Hoseok stated.

"Thank you.. for taking care of me .. I'm really grateful.. for al your concern and love... I'm going back.."

They quickly called Yoongi and told him that Jimin was coming back to him and Taemin.


They went out of the hospital, riding in Namjoon's car, while Taehyung and Hoseok in the latter's scooter. Vroom vroom.

Jimin smiled and felt content with himself.

Since Hobi has told Yoongi that Jimin was coming, he waited for his love to return, and minutes felt like hours. Adrenaline rushes through his blood vessels and he was restless.

He felt that finally, the gloomy apartment will light up again with love and they'll continue their journey to start the family he had always dreamed of.

Suddenly the sweet scent of Jimin struck his nose, but wait- it was different, but better.

He looked over to see his lovely wife, standing at the door.

He rushed up to him and kissed him lovingly. Jimin pushed him away and cried. Of happy tears. He proceed to say the most shocking news in an inaudible tone, but Yoongi still heard, and was shook.

"I'm pregnant."
Oh- that's - okay..

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