Chapter 13: The Other Side

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Morro spent the whole morning insisting he had heard a song echo through the area.

     "You probably just heard the wind," Carmen retorted without thinking, gnawing on the jerky we had provided for breakfast. "I didn't hear anything."

     I personally hadn't heard anything but Shade's soft snoring all night, which made an excellent background noise. The temperature had dropped considerably during the evening's darkest hours, making me sad that I had replaced my onesie with a volleyball. However, I still stood by the fact that a volleyball was the better choice out of the two to bring. Besides, the parents had instructed us to stay in uniform so we could be ready to fight at a moment's notice. They didn't want to take any risks with this mission.

     "I'm telling you; it was a song," Morro exclaimed. "This can't be a coincidence. We arrive on the mountain looking for a 'voice that sings' and I started hearing music."

     "Maybe your BorgPod was going off," Carmen suggested.

     "I don't have a BorgPod!"

     "We'll keep our ears open in the future, Morro," Lloyd said from across the clearing. He and Zane were stuffing the sleeping bags back into backpacks. "You are right in suggesting this might be a valuable lead. However, at the moment we need to focus on crossing the mountain."

     Morro was silent for the rest of the day. He had never been much of a talker, however, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

     In contrast to the quiet white-haired boy, Carmen had a lot to say. You would think she hadn't had any friends before us with the way she chattered on. Aureole was teasing Shade about being a Starfarer nerd (she didn't dare tease me or I'd start singing about wedding bells), and Carmen, not knowing anything about Starfarer, kept trying to join the conversation. The two were nice enough to endure her rants about boarding school, but I could tell they just wanted to get back to space superheroes.

      It took Carmen a couple hours and multiple hints from Aureole before she finally got the point that they wanted to be left alone. She ended up walking alongside me, sulking around in a mood. Her eyes were on Shade and Shade alone; you could tell she would give everything to see his smile again.

     Even though we had been sorted into different middle schools, I had occupied the same high school as Shade for a few years. High school was a horror I didn't like remembering, so I never recalled much about Shade's social life then. All I did remember was that look everyone got in their eyes when he walked past. It was the same stare Carmen carried around now. The stare of admiration, adulation, and aspiration. The Green Ninja's son. His perfect little boy.

     "What they have to say probably isn't worth hearing anyway," I murmured, drawing her attention to me. "Aureole loves to talk about business politics, and Shade will entertain any subject she brings up. And if they invite Morro to chat, you know it's going to be boooring."

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