Chapter 3: Sick Day

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When Bakugo woke up, he didn't expect to be in a warm bed, cuddling soft cushions and smelling some freshly made food. He looked around to see where he is, the room wasn't big, but not too small either, it was elegant.

He sat up from his laying position, but as soon as he did, he groaned and grabbed his head. It ached and he was feeling dizzy. He wanted to stand up, but as soon as he threw his legs off of the bed, the door of the room opened and there stood the same long haired man who took him in yesterday.

Now that Bakugo thinks about it, he still doesn't know this man's name and how he got in his room. He only remembers passing out.

But back to Rei. He stood by the door, holding a plate with tea cups and gentle smile on his face, making the teen blush slightly at the sight.

"Good morning sleepy head, or should I say afternoon? How are you feeling?" He asked the blonde boy

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"Good morning sleepy head, or should I say afternoon? How are you feeling?" He asked the blonde boy. Bakugo just stared at Rei, thinking to himself things like: How can someone so intimidating look so gentle... or ...waifu.

When Bakugo haven't answered, Rei slowly made his way to sit by his side and offered him a cup of tea, which Bakugo hesitantly took and smelled it, before making a face of disgust. Rei chuckled at it.

"It's a medicine. If you haven't realized it yet, you have a fever. You passed out yesterday, I took you to my house. Don't worry, I used my quirk to change your clothes. I'm not a pervert." Rei said, not knowing that he answered all Bakugo's previous unsaid questions.

It was after a few seconds that something clicked inside Bakugo's head. Clothes... changed... what? He looked down on himself. It's true, he is wearing an oversized T-shirt with "Powerwolf" written on it. There was a drawing of a werewolf, wearing a crown, some weird robe and holding a cross. He also had black shorts, which were too big for him too. No surprise there. Rei is a big piece of man, ok?

"Ah, anyways I think I haven't introduced myself yet..." Rei said while scratching behind his head. Bakugo hummed, took a sip of his medicine and scrunched his face at the taste. Ewww... this taste like shit. He thought. "I'm Akira Rei, just call me Rei, I'm not into formalities." Rei continued with a smile.


It is now early evening, they ate together after Bakugo's fever went down, whatever was in that tea made a miracle. Bakugo felt refreshed and ready to go home. Even tho he would rather not see his old hag yet he knew she's probably worried about him.

So after some words, he left Rei's apartment. He has some weird form of respect for the taller male, he insults him, sure, but he never means it. Which is weird for Bakugo. He usually means every word he says, so this is a first for him. He would never admit it to anyone, but he enjoys the time he spends with Rei, his laid back, lazy, sometimes sarcastic personality draws him in.


Rei just now realized that tomorrow is the day of the entrance exams. He never really cared for other heroes, so his disinterest in those things isn't questionable. He knows a few heroes, sure, but he respects them as people, not as heroes. They're all humans. Just humans. Fragile beings, they break their bodies and minds. They cry when they're in pain, they cry when they loose someone precious to them. Hell, they even cry when they're happy, sometimes.

As he was lost in thoughts, the night came, so, he went to bed. But before he got some sleep, his phone buzzed. He tiredly took it from his nightstand and answered it, not knowing who it is.

"Better someone be dying for you to call me this late." Rei said as he sighed.

"...Hello, Rei... sorry, I just wanted to ask if you will come tomorrow to observe the entrance exam, I would fell better if you were there with me." It was All Might's voice.

"...sure, whatever. When?"

"Great! I have a meeting with young Midoryia at 7am, I'm gonna give him One for All, the exams starts at 9am. You're free to come to the beach too if you want." All Might chirped. Happy that his mentor will observe the future students with him.

"Nah, I will see you at the exam. I want my beauty sleep, thank you very much. Hey... um... how are you planing to pass your quirk to him? You better not do anything gross." Rei expected an answer, but he only got an "okay" from him, then All Might hung up.

...I have a gross feeling about this. What are you planing Toshi. He massaged his temples, putting his phone on a charge, cuddling to his cushions and falling asleep.


This part is shorter. It was more like a filler to make Rei know Bakugo better.

Another fun fact: I changed Rei's hero name like 5 times. The cover is also my xth attempt. I have all my other covers saved, they look good, but I was not satisfied with them.

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