Ch.1 - Happy days

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While this is Omega Verse because of the purring, and it is mentioned here or there, it won't be the focus at all so it is pretty basic on that part.

Since a few months ago, it wasn't strange to hear a rumbling sound echoing throughout the Moby. No one would even look up at it, so used to it by now. If there was a reaction to it, they were smiles and chuckles. The reason this weird grumbling brings a smile to the faces of the fiercest pirates of the Sea? Well, that's because the sound is coming from no one other than their youngest brother.

Portgas D. Ace, ex-captain of the Spade Pirates, and now the proud second division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. With that, also the very first Omega with a real leading function in their ranks. The Whitebeards don't discriminate on second gender, but it just hadn't happened, until now.

Some were against it in the beginning, saying that an Omega can't be a leader, that they are too soft and easily influenced by others. Those arguments however were quickly shot down, not by the other Commanders, but by said "weak" Omega himself. Within less than a week, all rumours of an Omega not being able to lead were thrown out of the window, and may or may not have been replaced by the new rumour that one should fear an Omega leader more than an Alpha one.

Commander Ace could get away with just about anything, and it wasn't solely because he was strong. No, that weird rumbling sound he made was just irresistible and was able to warm, and sway, the hearts of even the most vicious of pirates.

"Pllllleeeaaassssssee Thatch, just one more chocolate mousse, it was so goooooood!" Ace whined while accentuating how good it was with a cute purr.

"No, you've already eaten over half our chocolate stock."

"Prrrrrr" Ace looked like the cutest kicked kitten that had ever existed.

"No, no, I said n- how are your eyes getting even bigger.... It's not gonne help." The Chef crossed his arms and turned his back to Ace. -I swear there is some weird anime sh*t going on here, there's no way it's humanly possible to be that cute. And the last time I checked humans have no cat ears either...-


"......" -No, I won't give in, thanks to him there's already no dessert tonight-


" ......... DAMNIT!"

"YES" Ace yelled before he was racing off towards the fridges at lightning speed, the chef not given any time to form an actual answer or change his mind.

"JUST ONE U HEAR M- and he's gone." Thatch sighed "that Omega is going to be the death of me".

"You caved... Again-yoi?"

"Shut up."

"This is the 6th time, in one hour, that I heard you yell 'Just one you hear me'..."

"Aaaah, stop bothering me you stupid pineapple, you can't say no to him either!"

"Sure can, I am the first division Commander of the ship-yoi. Some cute eyes and purring aren't gonne sway me."

"...Then do explain why your room is suddenly filled to the brim with the ship's fluffiest pillows, AND that you buy more at every island."

"...I collect pillows-yoi."

"Don't lie to me coaster-head"

"......You're on toilet-duty."

"WHA- HEY- don't just fly away you stupid flaming blue turkey! I have done nothing wrong, this is abuse of power, abuse of power I tell you!!!!"

Exchanges like this were fairly normal to see at the ship since the joining of the newest brother. And while there may, or may not be, some abuse in power at instances, everyone is happy that their stoic first Commander was able to find someone that fit him.

Though, it had taken a while, and a small push from the crew, -cough cough- a banner with the text "Ace❤️Marco" all strung over every available space, a romantic dinner for 2, duo missions, a DIRECT SPEAKING TO FROM EVERYONE... -cough cough-, for Ace and Marco to officially become a couple and eventually even become mates. They have been going strong for a while now, and it wasn't a strange occurrence to hear not one, but two purring sounds when Ace and Marco were together, even if one was significantly softer than the other.

In short, all is well on the ship of the strongest pirates, and besides their rapidly declining stock of chocolate, the future ahead looks bright.

Updates will be posted every Monday for the coming month, in total making this story 5 chapters long.

For those coming from my other story, "Proudful purring". If you wanted a happy ending, this is where the story ends. (I LIED AS OF 06/12, even this story has a 'happy' ending now) Ace lives happily ever after with the Whitebeard Pirates, purring away at everything he enjoys. Cue sunshine and dolphins swimming around the boat – yeeeeey

For those continuing, I will ruin this happiness. But don't worry, it really isn't that bad. The angst vibe is more in the feeling of not knowing what happened and the waiting than what you will actually read. 

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