Ch.2 - Unease

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Ace's Omega has been very uneasy for the past few hours, but he didn't know why. Nothing was out of the ordinary. The 4th division had safely returned from a mission this afternoon. All the stocks were counted and checked. His division members were finishing up on their last duties of the day.
And he himself had already double checked the weather reports for the coming night, up to 5 times even. And yes, a small storm was going to hit the Moby around, but with the size of their ship it was nothing to worry about. Not even Stefan would wake up from a storm this small.

The only thing left was that he was due to go into his heat in a little over a week. But this isn't anything out of the ordinary, but Ace wrote the unease off to his Omega going into pre-heat and making things seem more dangerous than they were. It did happen every now and then. With this thought he went to bed with Marco like any normal day, not informing anyone of his discomfort. Little did Ace know that a tragedy could have been prevented had he listened to his instincts.

Throughout the night Ace had been doing nothing but turning and twisting, trying to get comfortable and fall asleep. Marco was also trying to help, holding Ace close to him and trying to comfort him. But no matter how many soothing pheromones Marco released into the air to help, none of them seemed to reach him or have the slightest bit of an effect.
Around 3 o'clock Ace finally had enough and decided to go on a walk, maybe some fresh air would help calm his Omega down. Marco had wanted to join, he had of course noticed something was off, that bird really knows everything. But Ace brushed him off and told him to finally get some sleep himself, he would return after a short walk if sleep came to him, and if not he would just relax and talk with the people on watch. No use in going back to bed if the only thing he would do is keep Marco awake.

When Ace made it to the deck, he immediately breathed in the cold, but refreshing night air. He started making his way over to the crow's nest, trying to think of who was on watch this night. If he remembered correctly, it would be Jill, one of the pastry chefs. Maybe he even had some snacks with him! The thought brought a skip to his steps and he had to control himself to not start drooling already.

Almost reaching the mast, Ace saw a lump on the deck. His instincts instantly went highwire, that area was the "dead-zone" of the deck, even with all the different crow's nests, that zone wasn't visible from any of them.

Slowly Ace made his way over to the mysterious lump. His Omega had started screaming at him to move away from it and get help from his Alpha. But Ace just couldn't leave this alone, he is a commander, what if it is something dangerous to his brothers. He had his duties and he will protect them. The least he could do was check what the lump was, and if it really seemed dangerous he could sound the alarms, they were there for a reason.

With his fists up, ready for any sort of conflict, he made his way closer. He had long since learned not to underestimate situations like this. The closer Ace got, the more and more the lump seemed to get a human shape, a very familiar human shape.

Right before he could get his brother's name out and call out, his Haki had flared up. Warning him of a dark presence behind him. On pure instincts he shot a ball of flame at general area, hoping to at least scare whoever was able to get behind him without him noticing.
But, before he could fully turn around something hard hit his temple, with a spark of pain darkness engulfed him.

Yeap, we are staying on a kind of classic road for my first story of the events happening. I hope everyone still enjoyed it!

Next chapter will be of the +/- same timeframe but from Marco's perspective,
And this will already be uploaded on Wednesday!
Because it's about the same events, I find a whole week of waiting for it too long. 

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