Ch 5 - Home

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I have two things to say!
1. LAST CHAPTER! -Is what I was originally gonne say here... But it won't be haha. More info in the notes at the end.
2. Got a comment on another platform about being torn between wanting to read about the chase after Teach itself or not.
I don't know if I'll still be able to write it, but instead, I decided to just put what I had made already as an extra start for this chapter. (And now that I went over it again, for spelling mistakes, it isn't even the chase, it's the moment of re-capturing Ace hahahhahaha Rip)
If you want to skip this and read from where Ace is back, you gotte scroll until u see "!!!TIMESKIP!!!" +/- halfway the total chapter length.


Finally, Finally! This was it! Thanks to the recent storm they had been able to gain in on that bastard Teach. The Moby being far more prepared and unbothered by a storm then that ugly raft-ship* of theirs. This was their chance, they could... no, they WILL get Ace back. 

Marco had been having the urge to fly off the moment he heard the Blackbeard pirates were still docked offshore at the island, all of their sails still furled up to protect them from the harsh winds. His Alpha was urging him to go too, to get their Omega back, every second he had to wait, every minute he couldn't hold his mate close again was too long.
But Marco knew to stay reasonable, and kept still, even if he was more nervous than usual, his clear poker face not able to disguise it. Teach was a crafty bastard, really living up to the image the marines painted off pirates. Useless killing. Sowing disarray. Backstabbing and playing dirty. He didn't even know how this person had been his brother at one point. And while he really, really just wanted to go and gauge that bastard's eyes out so that he could never even lay eyes on his mate, he knew attacking by himself could potentially endanger his mate, endanger Ace.
But this was it, even if they noticed them now, they wouldn't have the time to prepare their ship and get away. And if they tried, Marco will personally fly over and rip every single one of their sails to shreds.


Marco had wanted to be the one to get Ace, but they were sure that Teach would be keeping tabs on Marco himself, not only because he is Ace's mate, but also because he is still the second in command in the ship and thus the biggest threat after Pops. Instead, they send one of the newer recruits. Not completely unknown to Teach, that would call his attention too, but someone that had still joined in the time Teach was their 'Brother' but who had only shown his capabilities after he left. In Teaches eyes, this person was still a newbie learning the ropes, while in reality he was a natural at stealth, perfect for retrieving Ace.

So for now Marco and the others were creating chaos on the deck, to win time and to make sure no one followed inside, all the while keeping a close eye on the entrance to the ship.
After was seemed like ages, the entrance door slowly opened. With his extra sharp hearing, -Thx Phoenix-, he instantly caught onto the creaking of the door, having been focused on it. His heart leaped in his chest seeing their guy come out while carrying another person.

Making himself explode with fire, shocking and blinding everyone around, he flew over to his mate. His Alpha immediately cooing in sadness and worry upon seeing Ace. He was so pale and thin, the thin sheet covering him not even helping to hide his unhealthy look. And ... why is his neck purple!? -HE WILL KILL THAT BAST-


Even over the sound of clashing of swords, gunshots and screams, he heard his Pops say that one word, calling his attention back to his job. He would love to rip that bastard to shreds, but he was sure the others would do so in his stead. His job now is to get Ace inside to the safety of the Moby and into the infirmary to get patched up.

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