Chapter Nineteen

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Sirius's POV

We had all decided to meet in the three bromm sticks when we finished getting her presents. So here were me, Wormtail, Prongs and Moony were sitting in the three broomsticks waiting for Lily and Ivy to show up. Then I hear the bell ring and I see Lily and Ivy coming in,
"We are so sorry guys the reason we're late is because Lucy's size is extra extra small which is not created yet and extra small we couldn't find so we had to get her smalls" Ivy explains sitting down and dropping 4 shopping bags on the floor. Lily was only holding 2 bags one small for the charms and a big one for the boots. Lily sits down and places the boots on the table,
"Do you think she'll like them?" She asks us. The boots were white with fluff around the top of them they also had some sparkly snowflakes on them.
"She'll like them." James says as the rest of us nod.
"I'm going to go order a butterbeer, want one Lily?" Ivy asks
"Yeah, sure" Lily answers smiling. She then swivels around to face us,
"My mom wants to get Lucy a present, is that ok?" Lily asks us,
"Of course!" Moony answers. We hear Ivy coming back so Lily informs her that her mom is getting her some cat food for Iris and some jewlrey Lily also tells her that her mom had said that Lucy was welcome in their house any time.
"So Ivy, what did you get Lucy?" Wormtail asks her
"I got her some clothes and I also got her 3 coats one for heavy snowfall its white to match her boots Lily got her the second coat is also white its trench coat style it has black buttons and lining. The third coat is a white jean jacket for warmer weather." Ivy answers.
"We should get back to Hogewarts." Moony tells us and we all nod.

We get back to Hogwartsafter we put our things in our dorms we immediately go to the hospital wing to find Lucy sitting up drinking some potion Poppy had handed her.
"Lucy!!" Ivy and Lily shout and race to the bed the guys and I follow them just as excited. When we reach her bed we notice Lucy is looking at her small, pale hands.
"A-are yo-you g-g-guys m-mad a-at m-me?" She whispers stuttering
"No! Of course not." Lily says speaking for all of us.
"B-but y-you sh-sh-should b-be." She tells us.
"Why?" James asks
"B-be-because I-I l-left." Lucy answers looking down at Iris who is sitting in her lap nuzzling her cold hands.
"We're just glad you're back." I say making her smile at her hands. As soon as her smile appears it vanishes
"I shouldn't have let you take me here I'm putting everyone in danger!" She panics trying to get out of the bed. Tears start streaming down her face and she looks up.
"I shouldn't be here." She whispers over and over.
One question remains in all of our heads is;
What did her dad do to her to make her like this?

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