CHPT 4: What's left?

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The two nations have seemed to be thriving. They have been exporting goods to all. However, an illness has occurred in an export.

An export from a small nation called... the KEELAN nation has carried an illness from a carriage. It has reached the NATHEN nation then went to the SOPHIA and the CIARA nation.

The SOPHIA nation has discovered this deadly illness and informed all the other nations. Every nation has scientist working around the clock for a cure. They couldn't produce a cure faster than people were dying, they were forced to kill those who had the disease. There would be around 12 executions a day. Scientists were also falling ill. Nothing could stop it, there's only one thing they could do.

Sophia and Ciara both walked down to the dungeons, they went through lots of security until they found what they were looking for. They walked up to a dungeon to find Former King Peter and Former king DANIEL in a cell. They had been living off scraps.

"What do you want?" Shouted Peter "We need your help." Said Ciara. After a shoe pause Daniel said "why would we help the likes of you?" "So you can earn your freedom..." Said Sophia.

One month later Peter and Daniel were working hard on a cure. After one month they finally found it. They hadn't been to the outside world in years so they were excited. The guards led them out only to find everyone dead. The disease had killed everyone and this land was no longer safe.

"This land has been infected and inflicted with death and deadly curses, when there's blood in our veins and we still have our spirit we cannot give up. We will venture forward into new land where we will establish the new... People land!"Exclaimed Daniel.

They ventured forward into the unknown searching for whatever comes up in a boat of man and a sea of nature.

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