Chapter 1 - Pirates

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What do you think about here, Balius?" Midoriya asked his horse.

Balius whinnied happily, so that is where they stopped for the night. It was a clearing at the edge of the forest, right before the ocean to their right met the river in front of them. He tied a long rope around a tree near the river and around the horse's reins, allowing him to graze and drink from the river as he pleased. As for Midoriya himself, he got some bread from his bag to eat. He really needed to get to that village soon, he thought, he's running low on food. It should be only about another day's journey to get to Dragonvein, as long as he didn't get lost. For now though, the only thing he needed to do was sleep, so sleep he did.

He awoke to the sound of voices shouting. Voices shouting in the middle of nowhere often meant trouble, so he stayed still and listened. He couldn't make out most of their words, but he caught a bit. The words 'ransom,' 'prince,' and 'Endeavor' appeared quite frequently. He slowly crept closer to the ocean where the voices were coming from, and spotted a ship with a pirate flag docked at the edge of the water. People were scurrying to and fro on the deck and-

"Kidnapping the prince really shouldn't have been that easy." Midoriya quickly hid behind a bush at the arrival of the new voice scarily close to him. They kidnapped the prince?!

"Well there's not much the palace guard can do when a portal appears directly on him, immediately whisking him away. Not much anyone can do." The second voice seemed vaguely smug.

"The master's going to be happy when he hears about how well this went! We'll get a fortune selling him back to them, too." Midoriya peered through the bush, finally seeing who the voices were. The one that just spoke had a top hat and a strange mask on, and looked like he was the ringleader of a circus. The other had a black trenchcoat on, and strange purplish scars on his face and hands, seemingly held on by staples. They drifted out of hearing range, leaving Midoriya to his thoughts. He couldn't exactly leave now, knowing that someone was in need. Now that he knew what to look for, he could see the prince tied to the main mast, and leaving him there would make Midoriya feel so guilty. Also, finding adventure was exactly what led him to leave his hometown in the first place, so it would be pretty hypocritical of him to back down now that he'd found one. On the other hand, these people seemed a little above his skill level. I mean, they managed to kidnap the prince. From what he'd heard, it didn't seem to be difficult for them either. They couldn't really harm him if they never knew he was there, though, and sneaking around was always a skill of his.

He was beginning to have second thoughts about the hasty plan he'd come up with: Scale the back of the ship so that people wouldn't see him, sneak through a porthole, steal a crewmate uniform, go up to the deck pretending to be a part of the crew, untie the prince before anyone realized there was something off about him, and get off the ship and to Balius (who was poised near the entrance of the woods waiting for him), and run before the pirates could figure out what was going on. Second thoughts weren't really helpful considering he was already in the middle of breaking the porthole, though. The glass finally shattered, Midoriya wincing at how loud the sound was. No one came running in, so he hopped into the room. He quickly located an extra uniform beside one of the many hammocks. It stunk and was about 2 sizes too big, but it would do. He put it on, glad the belt had a spot for his dagger, along with a slot for a sword, which he quickly filled with a stolen cutlass.

Getting onto the deck was nerve racking, but luckily no one paid any attention to him. He walked over to the pirate guarding the prince, and, in his gruffest I'm-totally-a-pirate voice, said, "Ay matey, the captain said I was next to watch over His Highness. He wants you scrubbing the deck or something." Crap, his pirate voice sucked. The guard just gave him a weird look and walked away. Well that was easy. He was starting to get the idea that these people weren't nearly as good as he thought they were. No one noticed the glass shattering, or that he clearly wasn't one of the pirates. Oh well, if they wanted to make his job easier, he certainly wasn't about to complain.

He looked down at the prince, really taking in his appearance for the first time. He had short hair that was half white and half red, and heterochromatic eyes- one grey and the other blue. The belue one was surrounded by a scar that covered part of the boy's face. His clothes were clearly once fancy, but now they were dirty and torn. Luckily, he didn't seem hurt. He seemed to be sitting there quite calmly too, considering he was currently being held for ransom. He realized the prince was staring at him with one eyebrow raised, very clearly not buying his pirate act. He crouched down, and discreetly told him, "Here's the plan: I'll untie you, then we run. I have a horse hidden in the trees that can get us away quickly."

The prince did not react. He simply said, "How would we get down from the ship?"

Midoriya hadn't thought of that. Crap. He quickly looked around before finding the perfect solution. "We'll use that rope over there. It leads all the way from the deck to the ground, so we can just slide down it like a zip line. The prince nodded. Midoriya quickly gave him the cutlass. "Take this. You might need it." He moved to the other side of the mast, and easily cut through the bonds holding the prince there. Then they weren running, and people were shouting. Pirates surged towards them, while others ran down to get the captain. The prince slid down the rope first, using his cutlass to hold onto. Midoriya did his best to hold the pirates back. Jab with the dagger. Narrowly avoid getting skewered with a knife. He felt a cutlass graze his shoulder. The prince was off the ship. It was Midoriya's turn. He turned and lept, using his dagger to slide down the rope. He landed on the ground after what felt like forever, and immediately cut the rope to prevent their enemies from getting down the same way. He and the prince ran towards the woods. He saw the man in the mask from earlier run towards him, and he ducked under the man's outstretched hand. Barius whinnied and galloped toward them. Midoriya jumped onto the horse, and then helped the prince climb on. They galloped into the woods, away from the pirates and fighting.

Midoriya slowed the horse to a walk after a while. "I think we're safe." The prince agreed. "The sun's going down, so we should probably make camp here." Midoriya said, hopping off the horse. The prince followed his lead and helped him set up camp. While they were doing that, Midoriya realized they had never actually introduced themselves. "By the way, my name's Midoriya Izuku. It's nice to meet you!"

"I'm Todoroki Shouto. Pleasure to meet you," the prince said. Crap. The prince said. He was being way too casual with the prince.

"Apologies for being so casual," Midoriya immediately bowed.

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