7 {Show no fear}

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"These are your guys' security cards and pins, they'll get you almost anywhere in the building and passed any security checkpoint in base." Malcolm said as he passed both Natasha and Barton their new cards, with their pictures and fake names.

Natasha stood wearing one of Anastasiya's uniforms her hair pulled back, meanwhile Barton stood next to her wearing an old uniform Aleksandr had left at Anastasiya's place. Aleksandr kept glaring at Anastasiya, though everytime she looked back at him he would immediately divert his eyes.

"I sent Natasha a copy of the schematics to the building. Avoid level six, that's Adrielle's office. The rest of the place is fair game." Anastasiya explained as they made the walk downstairs to the parking garage.

Natasha and Agent Barton climbed into Anastasiya's car while Aleksandr and Malcolm climbed into their own cars. "Is she gonna send you out in the field?" Barton asked from the backseat

Anastasiya stared forward at the road ahead of her, her grip tightening on the wheel. She hadn't thought that far yet, but she doubted she'd be sent out in the field after being benched for a week. Then again Adrielle always had been a wild card. "I have no clue." She sighed making eye contact with him through the review mirror.

She'd heard of people declining missions, she's never done it personally. Mostly because it went against her code and the thought made her feel nauseous. Being raised in the Red Room she never had the option of saying no, her autonomy was non-existent. 

"Our only goal right now is to get as much information as possible. Ideally where she's launching that secret project from." Natasha said trying to ease some of Anastasiya's anxiety, something she used to do when they were younger and it pulled heavily on her heart. 

"Odessa, Ukraine." Anastasiya stated quietly. "I saw it on a file she had open on her desk a little over a month ago. I have no clue how far along she is in the development of it." 

"I'll be sure to tell Fury to send a team-"

"No. If she's going there for the launch then we'll kill two birds with one stone. Kill her and that project." Anastasiya interrupted Barton who looked at Natasha.

"How do you know she's going to be there?" Natasha asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"She goes there about once a week. She never tells us why and she usually takes Malcolm with her." Anastasiya replied as her hands tightened on the wheel. "I have a feeling he has more to do with this project than he's letting on. He's a great coder which means he may know how to shut it down." 

The car grew quiet as they pulled up to the main gate to the HQ. Anastasiya handed the guard her I.D. as well as Natasha and Barton's fake I.D.'s granting them access. The guard handed her back the IDs and gave her a curt nod before she began pulling forward. Once they parked Anastasiya took a deep breath before turning to the back and facing Natasha and Barton. 

"Please be careful. The security in this place is tight and almost everything you guys are gonna be going through is often on a need-to-know basis for the rest of us so I don't know what you may stumble across." Her eyes shifted to Natasha's green ones. "If you guys need any help or run into any problems, the three of us will have earpieces so call us if you need us." The two nodded at her before they exited the car and made their way to the front door. 

"Anastasiya, Boss lady wants to see you." One of the guards watching the elevator called out to her. She often thought of them as Adrielle's henchmen. 

"That's my cue. Good luck you two." She nodded curtly before making her way toward the elevator.

Anastasiya wiped her clammy hands on her uniform. She really had to get a grasp on her nerves or it'll be a dead giveaway. As the elevator doors slid open on the sixth floor she took a deep breath before relieving her face of any emotion and knocking on the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08 ⏰

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