Chapter 11:The First Normal Day Part 2

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
"After the bombshell of Asia moving in to Issei's house she also has to attend Kouh Academy."

Y/n pov:

As i was sitting down in the classroom i noticed a familiar blonde girl enter the room."

Y/n'Oh yeah Asia's enrolling here. Slipped my mind.' I said in my head.

Asia:"Hello my name is Asia Argento", She said bowing down then standing up straight. "I may not be familiar here,but i offer my regard." She said with a smile.

The whole class then shouted out of excitement from Asia and the most loudest were the boys except Issei and me. We just looked at her with happy faces.

Baldy:"Man She's a Blonde Beauty!" He said with his hand forming a fist.

Glasses:"Bust82cm,Waist55cm,Hips81cm! Good!" He said making a bit amazed at his ability.

Y/n:'Well looks like everything is fine no-'

Asia:"I'm currently homestaying in Hyodo Issei's home and is indebted to both Him and Y/n." She said making the class suprise and the perverted trio then strangle their leader.

Baldy:"You Dick how are you hitting all the right flags." He said strangling Issei.

Issei:"I'm not the one who set this up!" He said.

Issei and I then look at Asia feeling glad she's fitting in.

Y/n&Issei:'Great,looks like she'll get along with everone nicely.' We said in our head then a word from a girl caught our attention.

Girl1:"Asia was Y/n rude to you?" She said curious.

Asia:"No actually,he was one of the kindest people i met." She said making the girls surprised about me being kind.

Issei then started snorting then his happiness was short lived with what the other girl said.

Girl2:"Asia do you have a lock on your room?" She said worried.


Girl3:"Remember Asia you should always do lock checks on your room at night and on the bathroom." She said making me snort.

Girl2:"And be careful there might be hidden cameras planted everywhere." She said making me laugh quietly and making Issei a bit pissed off.


*After school in nighttime*

After school Me,Issei ans Asia are now going to the clubroom as we went somewhere and are now going back with Issei and Asia on Issei's bike and me on a skateboard with my hands in my pocket and listening to music on my headphones.

Y/n:"Asia how was your first day?" I asked.

Asia:"It was great everyone was kind and also Issei's friends Matsuda and Motohama..." She said making both of us panicked.

Issei:"Did they do anything to you?" He asked worried.

Asia:"Hmmm,they said they'd invite to a gentleman's get-together." He said making me and Issei a bit mad.

Y/n:"Just ignore that."


After a while of riding Issei accidently hit a rock almost falling off his bike making Asia touch his stomach making him flustered. After he made the bike stable he kept looking at Asia making Asia wonder what his looking at.

Asia:"What's wrong Issei?" Making Issei a bit nervous.

Issei:"'s nothing let's get going." He said nervously.

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