Introduction + Imagery

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Love. The love of Christ is the reason why we live today and His foundation of love is why there is still good in this world.

"Above all, maintain constant love for one another, since love covers a multitude of sins."
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭CSB‬‬

These stories are scripture-filled, faith-based, and tell of Christians growing in their faith, or new Believers coming to know the unmatched power and love of Christ, in turn, they all live according to the Perfect Word of God.

As God is the author of love, these stories tell of love that covers a multitude of sins. This love is only possible through receiving the love of Christ and living repented and solely for Christ.

These stories are authentic in every way. Meaning, they will not ignore the ways of the world, but only be set apart.

Book One: Loving Eleanor *
Book Two: Honeydew
Book Three: Gunnar's Redemption-
Book Four: Glory

*this story is a historical fiction set in 1949 that does not deviate from the harshness of the times. All of which include racism, prejudice, and racist language. Mentions of sexual assault.

-Sequel to Honeydew, but can be read alone


Hello all!

I'm so excited to be back with the third book of the 1 Peter 4:8 Series!

This is Gunnar's Redemption and I know it's a highly anticipated story by my Honeydew readers. I'm thrilled to get to work on this book and share it with you all!

At the moment I don't have an exact release date, but it will be released this month.

I wanted to give y'all the imagery and just an intro to the story. I can't express how glad I am to have this platform and gift of storytelling from God. Like wow.

A fair warning for any new readers and a reminder to seasoned readers;

This is a Christian, Interracial, Age Gap love story!

This means that the heart behind my story and honestly everything that I write revolves around God. He is just the absolute best and I can't even think without Him.

Since this is a Christian story, my characters talk to God, about God, try to live as Jesus did, etc.

Because this is interracial, the main characters aren't the same ethnicity. I will not tolerate any hate, shade, diss, slurs, anything rude. I mute my readers all the time because some people like being rude and that's not welcomed here.

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