Chapter Twelve

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It was Selene's first day back at work since meeting Gunnar and having two meltdowns

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It was Selene's first day back at work since meeting Gunnar and having two meltdowns.

But, today was different.

She felt that maybe God was with her.

However it worked, she would try and see later.

For now, she wanted to wear something outrageous.

Something out of the box.

"I think I've got some dresses," She murmured while twiddling her fingers to the soft piano music playing on her speaker.

She hadn't worn a dress, that her father didn't approve of, in fourteen years,

That was a memory she didn't ever want to come back to her mind.


She walked into her closet and pulled out a suitcase she hid.

It was hidden due to her being a creature of habit. And she was still a little afraid that her father would come and-no.

"No, Selene. No. Just pick a dress and wear it," She encouraged herself.

It was all so new to her.

Being positive, genuinely, and trying to be happy with herself and the choices she'd make.

There was no one yelling in her ear, no one whispering rude things, it was just her.

And maybe God too.

She unzipped the suitcase slowly and bit her lip to contain the feelings she had.

Her fingers traced each dress, remembering, and trying to forget.

"Oh, I have to wear this one,"

Her heart soared at the sight of a deep blue sundress she bought the day she found out that she was pregnant.

It was a spur-of-the-moment buy, she knew it would never be worn, but it was like a glimpse of hope.

For the future.

Her father always reminded her before she went shopping and after that dresses above the knee, even an inch, were for easy women.

That she would attract the wrong kind of men wearing them. That she was looking for trouble. And she would be responsible for the way men reacted to her wearing it, and if something happened, it was her fault because the dress was an open invitation.

The dress fell from her hands and she gripped her thigh. "Calm down, breathe." She said through gritted teeth.

The memories were awful. The words that were spoken.


She picked up the dress and grabbed a cardigan as well.

"Maybe I can wear it," She said shakily.

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