Chapter Twenty

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'She would yell if things didn't go her way

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'She would yell if things didn't go her way. Major diva alert, she was always disrespectful, it didn't matter who she spoke to, they were beneath her.

I remember one day her father was on set, she spazzed out every five seconds as if she were going to explode if things weren't perfect.

I've had numerous lunch meetings with her father, he's the most harmless man in the industry. There can be no blame put towards him nor his wife, Selene's mother.

She's not a product of her upbringing, she's just a witch. Plain and simple.

Wherever she is right now, I'm praying for everyone around her. She's like a virus, her negativity spreads everywhere.

The front of America's Sweetheart is now revealed. Don't believe a word she says.

Maggie Xiu opens up to Heated Magazine.
Find out more in this week's release.'

Selene was ready to burst.

She wasn't going to cry about this.


She was majorly pissed off.

"Where did that lazy lying slug get off saying that about me? I have never ever done any of that, she's a money-hungry creature." She slammed shut her laptop and screamed.

"I hate her nasty tail!"

Selene looked around her bedroom and grabbed a pillow. "This is Maggie and all of those other liars!" She seethed and threw the pillow at the wall.

What did she do to deserve this?

Selene looked at the pillow on the floor and her anger resided.

What happened to her peace?

What happened to the calm woman she'd become?

This is why she was worried about the validity of this sudden change of heart.

She couldn't even react without feeling intense anger or betrayal.

But was that normal?

Could God forgive her again for this slip-up?

And why were insults the first thing on her mind after reading the article?

There had to be some answers about this in the Bible. It had everything.

So she opened up her laptop, which she felt bad for slamming shut before, and searched for help.

How do I overcome anger and not upset God?

In another tab she searched, How can I speak the way God wants even when things upset me?

It felt unnatural for her to get so angry. It'd been so long and all she wanted to do now was make God happy with her actions.

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