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-was already in . Using her forearm to blast the door open and bolted over to the commode to regurgitate yesterday's appalling excuse of what someone might call dinner.

" HuUUu--HUUUARRugh !! ... Hmm , that tasted much more appetizing coming up than going down ... Like -- HUUUUU--HUUUUUUURAAGH !! cuugh cuuugh... haaah haah. "

Looking into the commode at what she had just regorged , more of a personal disgusting fascination with bodily waste than anything , and began to name out loud the contents which she could recognize. Then after about 10 seconds she noticed that her gown felt it had gained considerable weight. She pulled the night gown even closer to her and could see spots of orange and yellow gunk and lumps of "food" at the bottom of her gown leaking between the floor and the commode.

"Hmm , porridge granulates , carro- Ugh !! Not the good gown , I detest the constant abstersion of garments -- the waters here are too fetid to even use da-!"

In a fit of aggression and disdain towards her own lack of coordination and foresight into what the mundane objective of maintaining her apparel's hygiene would consist of she made a fist slammed into what she believed to have been the wall and immediately regretted her decision. She did not allow herself to scream but clenched her teeth tightly letting loose a slight grunt while retracting her hand from the surface.

" Tututututut.. "

The sound of her blood dripping from her hand toward the cold checker-tiled floor broke through the silence in the room. She unclenched her fist to examine the damage , she fiddled with the now-lifted skin and gushing wound. Glancing over to where she had just removed her hand ; The door that she needlessly harassed upon entry was filled with a myriad of chipped paint and splinters from constant mistreatment and sucked her teeth in aggravation. She then took a roll of makeshift toilet paper that was actually thinly scraped paper that she and her guardian devised and tended to her wound by wiping clean. 

She then proceeded to continue her hygienic cleansing taking up a cloth, dampening it with water stored in a container upon the counter-top then applying a powdery-white substance labeled as baking soda which she "borrowed" from the inn keeper's storage and scrubbed the plaque that had accumulated over the night from her teeth. After doing so she placed her hair into a ponytail as the "ball of aesthetically pleasing mess" as noted by her has constantly attempted to " disrupt the confines of my ocular capacity , and thus causing the optimization of my capabilities that I have strived so hard to achieve ... my psychosis notwithstanding -- to dwindle." Looking into the mirror , she made an expression reminiscent of a smile but lacked the "cheer" that a smile should be composed of and then stuck her tongue out as she began to mutter to herself under her breath.

 " Hmmm ... that baking powder was appallingly bitter -- I wonder if these gums make my tonsils look fat. Hmm... maybe-when-my-succedaneous-teeth-come-in-they-will-look..."

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