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Her voice trailed off and slowly came to a halt; she paid no more mind to her appearances. All of a sudden she could feel her heart palpitating and a great sense of irritability had begun to swell inside of her as her right inferior tarsus began to violently twitch. She leaned on the counter top in front of her then violently shook her head to ward off the uncomfortable feeling. Then she proceeded to stand up straight and tilted her head slightly to the side as if she were eavesdropping on a conversation that had caught her ear or something else.

" . . . "

Silence was all that could be heard , even straining she only could hear muffled voices of chattering men and women as well the clattering of whatever inanimate object(s) they were using and the whispers of the wind and rain brushing up against the window outside.

" Zo'hali? ... Are you awake? I would hate to have you locate your monetary gains on my person... I hear the bakery has new instant-diabetic provisions. Should you make an effort to thwart my attempt , I would like to kindly reiterate the fact that your flesh will be a suitable substitute. Zo'hali , wake- "

Peeking her head back into the room , darkness had settled upon its walls almost completely stifling her sense of sight and couldn't make out any figures. Her only crutch was relying on what little illumination the moon could grant , which shone upon her bed. Weary of her surroundings as her "altercation" with the bathroom door caused her to be more cautious.

She slightly raised her feet just above the surface to detect any large object that could not be seen and began gliding her feet across the floor careful not to hook her soles on any nails that may have been protruding from the floor until she reached the wall , feeling along the wall her hand met with a flat surface fiddling around with a vase with a shade upon it -- it made a clicking sound and the room was filled with the warmth of purple light that radiated throughout the room , a design that Zo'hali stated "brought out the beauty in your eyes allowing me to see wonders" but ironically rarely used it in her presence which she believed just to have merely been beauteous lights.

Upon illuminating the room with the lamp , she noticed the room was empty , all that was left in the room were ; 2 beds adjacent to one another and a leather chair in a corner which was completely worn out to the point the inner cushions were oozing out like organs. Occupying the space between the chair and door stood a chestnut furnished dresser whose drawers were overflowing with large sheets of wasted construction paper mostly containing failed contraption schematics Zo'hali never found a proper application to. And an empty green traveling bag that she uses to carry her luggage , which was riddled with make-shift pocket compartments that can only be noticed if it is closely assessed.

On top of the dresser sat the lamp, which had an ornate pattern that could be compared to the undulation of waves of water in the ocean woven between a translucent starry night sky. On the floor next to the dresser -- still partially sticking out from under the crevice of the door laid an pure black envelope that bore a white insignia in the lower right corner that was hard to describe as she'd never seen anything like it before. She picked it up and turned it over to inspect it further. It was not sealed , or rather it was but not by usage of the common oil stamping there was some adhesive material between the envelopes folding which kept it's contents enclosed. Parting the creases apart , a note fell out into her palm... opening the folded parchment -- it was blank... she flipped it over , still blank.

"Hm... A blank letter..?"

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