Ch. XVIII Goodbye Sisters

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Clover's POV
When the boys and their girls left, my sisters and I were left on the island to just sit there. We were still tied up and very uncomfortable just sitting there. We were all back to back in our magic-using form. We kept sitting there until a large man came, he said he was sent by Fairy Tail.

He was very scary looking with huge muscles and a giant axe, I could tell he had torture magic and that scared me and puzzled me. Fairy Tail didn't usually go for torture, I guess that's why they didn't come themselves. The man untied us then tied us up to a pole.

None of us said anything but I could see Sabrina's eyes watering with fear. Sabrina was the only one left untied. No one objected, no one wanted to see Sabrina hurt. Sabrina sat on the ground and watched as Everly, Jade, Amity and I hung off the pole.

The man raised his hands and looked at us "Are you ready?" His voice was gruff and rough, something from a horror film. I looked at him with a challenge in my eyes, daring him to do whatever he was going to do. He sighed and his hands started to glow.

Pain flew through my body from my legs as I heard my sisters scream out in pain and Sabrina cry out in shock. Sabrina was held back from the man as they both watched the four of us on the pole scream with pain. I looked down, my eyes watering with the pain. I saw my legs, twisted at a sickening angle, hanging limply and every time they moved hurting me.

The man raised his hands again and my arms shook as they broke as well. I screamed and started to cry at the pain. I felt my sisters faint from the pain next to me. I looked up at Sabrina and the man as my vision started to darken. "You will be freed, they said only you will be spared."

As I feel into the comforting darkness I smiled, despite everything, I was happy Sabrina would be safe, safe from this pain. I looked at Sabrina, delicate and a still blooming flower, her long blue-purple hair. She was so pretty, even though she never realised it "Sabrina-nee..." I croaked and she instantly came over to me.

I heard Sabrina call out my name but I couldn't hold back the darkness anymore, goodbye, Sabrina-nee.

Sabrina's POV
As I watched my sisters fall into faint I cried. After Clover told me that, I dried my tears and stood up, I have to be strong. I looked at the man who had done this and glared at him "I hope you're happy," I raised my hand to my temple and focused on the memories of the man in front of me.

I focused on all the recent ones, about how Fairy Tail sent him, about how he had felt when he hurt my sisters. He enjoyed it, sick man. I started to draw my magic power, I started to glow from the magic energy within me "Memory-make! Lighting Blade!" A large blade with cracks of lightning on it appeared in my other hand.

I charged and ran at the man, slicing him across the stomach, not a fatal blow but it would stop him for a while. I then made his memories of me hurting him and replaced them with memories of me being the weak girl everyone thought I was. I put my lightning blade away and walked towards the island Fairy Tail was staying on.

I smiled, Fairy Tail will be their own downfall one day, if they really do accept everyone.

Sorry it's short but this was kind of rushed, and yes, I broke their legs and arms. Sorry for the disgustingness, gomen. Anyway, arigato for reading! HelplessRomantic_2 yes, leg breaking.

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