its minecraft time

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"FUCKING HELP ME BOBOT!" Bobal shotued in frustration after dragging Bofo for almost 10 minutes.
"What if I said no." Bobot responded.
"Then I will beat your ass." Bobal spat back.
"What is it this time?" Bosip asked in an annoyed voice.
"He left me to carry the one guy who is 20 centimeters taller then me." 

Bobot laughed to himself. 

"I'm tired, Bobot can you carry me?" Bowoev muttered as he yawned. 
"If it's an excuse to not help Bobal, sure." He said. 

Bosip quickly adjested it so that Boder was over his shoulders. Bosip was suprisingly strong. Bowoev jumped onto Bobot's back. Bobot wasn't expecting it. He almost toppled over but he maneged to balance himeslf. Despite his diet mostly made of cereal he was able to carry the boy. 

Bowoev fell asleep so that pretty much meant that until he wakes up, Bobot is forced to carry him. Bobal was really mad and guess what Bobot did. He flipped him off. For someone so 'mysterious' he is willing to be rude towards someone who looks five years younger then him.

After a while they found the portal that allows them to enter minecraft. Bosip went in, followed by Bobot and after a few moments of waiting, Bobal finally went through. Sometimes dragging a robot that makes you look like a child can slow you down.

I need to stop making fun of Bobal. 

Unfortunately, when they entered when it was nighttime. They had to quickly dig a hole, get everyone in that hole, cover the enterance and wait until the morning has arrived. All in the dark with no torches. The device around Bowoev's neck was a bit helpful since it's able to produce light but it wasn't that bright. 

After digging a 3 by 3 hole, they jumped in and covered the enterence. 

"If you think about it, if Bob gives you head he can blast your penis off." 
"Better consider that Bosip" 
"What the hell."


It's been around 6 hours, it should be morning right?

Bosip dug himself out. Yep. It was morning. It seemed like all the mobs died. 

"Good morning.." Bowoev yawned as he woke up from his nap.
"Morning Bowoev." Bosip said as he dragged Boder and Bofo out of the hole.
"Did you guys talk about anything while I was asleep?" He asked the group.
"I'd not like to talk about it." Bosip admitted, flustered. 
"Can't tell if he's embarrassed about the subject or the thought of it, either way he should be careful." Bobot mumbled as he climbed out of the hole.

Bobal was asleep thanks to him not having his daily energy drink. The three decided to build a house and mine some items. After cutting a few trees, the three went in their seperate ways. Bosip was building the house, Bowoev was building the dirt pillar and Bobot went underground. 

Bowoev got stuck on the dirt pillar. 

Bosip rushed to the cave Bobot was in so that they could quickly make a bucket and make a pool where the pillar is. Don't worry, Bowoev landed in the water. 

Anyway, they had iron now. They only found four pieces of iron.

It's usually Bob who's great at finding ore but Bob isn't really in the best condition to help. After killing a few sheeps and making a campfire, they had food and beds. Bowoev and Bosip carefully placed Boder onto the bed while Bobot placed his file right next to him. They left Bofo in the corner of the room. 

"Morning.." Bobal groaned as he FINALLY woke up.

Bobal was suprised that they were able to make a decent looking house on day 1. 

"Do you want mutton?" Bosip asked him.


It was nighttime. Bobal and Bosip were inside tending to Boder, making sure he got food, water and was still breathing. Bobot was outside with a stone sword. He was sitting next to the campfire outside. After a few minutes, he took off his helmet. He had his mask on. 

A noise startled him. He held the sword closer tighter. He stood up and pointed it towards the bush. 

It was just Bowoev.

"Oh, it's you." Bobot said as he sat back down.
"Sorry Bobot." He apologized as he sat down next to him.
"What were you even doing?" Bobot asked the younger one.
"I saw a bee and I got distracted." Bowoev admitted.

The flames licked the air as it crackled. The glow was warm. The roaring flame puffed up as Bobot threw another stick into the blaze. The sound relaxed him. It was distracting him from the panicked noises from inside the house. Bobot sighed at the thought of Boder lying on the bed, desperately attempting to wake up despite everything that happened. He was the strongest out of everyone. Now he's unconscious on the bed. He can't do anything to protect himself. 

He can't do anything to protect them. 

He's stuck like that. He can't do anything. He can't help anyone. He can't take care of Bowoev. He can't stop the unwelcomed fights that tears the group apart. He can't embrace them when they breakdown under stress or intrusive thoughts. He can't smile at the sight of his loved ones finally proud of themselves even after-

"Bobot, are you ok?" 

Oh. He was crying. He didn't realize that tears were spilt. He quickly wiped the tears away.

"Yep, I guess I got a bit worried." Bobot responded. 

He really hoped he was alright. 

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