Part 36

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An overgrown patch of grass is enclosed by huge flower bushes. The rows of flowers are growing without boundaries, there's not even a single weed in sight; they're like a cloud of color. It is wide and open, sloping gently down to a cosmic-blue river.

A copse (grove) of cypress pines flanks us on one side, with a thicket (grove) of peaceful beeches standing guard on the other. Love tree run through the centre of the garden, casting a lake of claw shadows onto the grass.

In here, the fiery brilliance of their leaves is a sight: scorching-oranges, burning-browns and molten-reds. Then they drift to the ground as silently and carelessly as an ash cloud, settling in to their eternal rest.

A beautiful yet magical like garden came into everyone's sight, enhancing the beauty of the castle. Also a river passing along the side of the land. It caught everyone's attention, it's a sight they never experienced or felt before. Yes it's the reality which is too mesmerizing.

Past the river there is a plush-green meadow which stretches away into vastness and a dragon-backed mountain. In winter, the stricken (overwhelming) loneliness of its peak sends shivers down my spine, wondering how anything could survive up there.

"I don't have words to describe this beauty" you spoke kneeling down near the little colourful plants "I wonder how those were the times when people used to live here, if this is the beauty now" jin spoke smiling so wide while others chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"I never thought a king's land would be so gorgeous till date" "now I'm sure I want to know everything" bam bam and seok-min laughed into a fit as they ran around the lush green grass.

Thought about the dragons? They seem much excited as ever, dragons are themselves from the land of magic and so is it. Contrasting types of dragons are seen in the glorious sky, little play here and there was a scene to be seen.

It starts with panes of light poking the shadows and making the earth steam. Midges rise with the grass mist, hanging like moon dust in the glassy haze. Daffodils detonate from the ground overnight as if some necromancer (warlock) had put a spell of banishment on the winter.

Eunwoo and the old couple stood at one side with a big smile on their glowing faces, they seem to be more merrier than others. Why? "Dad what do you think? Everything will be alright?" "My son, I can't say anything but telling them everything is important first..what happens let's see".

"What's that" your eyes shifted to a particular spot in the huge garden, it feels different from the other paths and area. There stood a big tree with it's red flowers, looking as pretty as ever.

"Your majesty, it's the love symbolises love. The King used to admire this tree alot, he used to spent hours under this tree everyday" mrs. Han explained while you stood facing the tree with your doe eyes. "A Love tree?" mumbling to yourself you stood on place staring at it.

"But wait" jungkook who was lost in the beauty came into on the stony path. "What happened kook? Any problem?" Taehyung asked the younger who was staring around with his creased brows.

"If this place is centuries old then who takes care of it? This castle, garden and everything around? You said no one can come then how this is all possible? This place would have been a barren land with an old castle...".

His one question caught everyone's attention as they all face the old couple, they grinned exchanging glances adding more confusion. Jungkook got a point, how can this place be same like how it was described by the old couple?! There's alot to discover dear.

"We knew you'd ask this sooner or later your majesty, we'll let you know about it right now. Have a seat your majesties and your highnesses" mrs. Han guided us as everyone quietly took their seats around. Some down on the grass bed while some on benches.

Jungkook decided to sit beside you, already many things are found related to you. He felt a new spark since he began this mission with you, at last no one can control their feelings. He looked at you while your eyes were fixed in front, eager to know the answer.

Mrs. Han again said a magic spell but this time louder, everyone exchanged confused glances but waited patiently. "Soon you'll know" mr. Han spoke and smiled wider.

A light gush of wind covered around making everyone shut their eyes half. Flapping on huge wings could be heard and hence it was true, there they were. The Golden Dragon couple.

A loud gasp left from everyone as soon as they came in sight. Eyes wide and mouth agape, they've always read and saw in books about The Golden Dragon couple but today they were in front. Slowly they settled themselves on the grass bed in front, ever so calmly.

"T-the Gol-lden Dragon-n couple?!" Jungkook abruptly stood up following by others, it was indeed an unbelievable sight to experience. This dragon couple stays hidden but have eyes on the whole world. Never thought they would be easily seen here.

"Yes your majesty, you're right. They are the caretaker and owner of this place after the last King passed away" "It makes sense now" after mr. Han explained, skipper spoke up taking a step forward towards the dragons.

"They are the rightful holders of the orb right? They are keeping it safe with them since ages and" "and they were the dragons of the last King and his Queen that's why they are here" you cutted her off as everyone nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, your highness and your majesty. You both are right, ohh I'm surprised you know about the orb" "we've studied a bit about it as not much information was given to us" bam bam grinned and nodded at the old man.

"T-they seem perfet..." Jungkook uttered stepping towards the dragons "your majesty, I can't allow to touch them now" the old man bowed as jungkook nodded in assurance "it's alright, I'm still surprised though...".

"Ahjumma, what you said in spell that they came here?" chelsea asked standing beside mrs. Han while she grinned shaking her head "your highness, I'm bound to keep it a secret..when the right time comes, you'll get to know each and everything" to which she nodded patiently "I'm excited already".

"I've studied about them but never thought it will turn out like this, and- ohh my god-" everyone's dragons caught their attention, they were all around the couple dragon as if they are the parents.

"No need to worry, The Golden Dragon couple are the parents of every dragon" said eunwoo chuckling "one by one everything will be clear to everyone, but for now first I'll tell you about that tree".

{Yo guys 👀🖐🏻✨ how are y'all
I'm getting more excited part by part, big thanks for the ones who showed interest in this. Oohh words aren't enough 😌🥺I want a dragon too😩👉🏻👈🏻. Enjoy!}
Thank you so much guys∘˚˳°
Be safe & take care of yourself properly!

Stay tuned to know more~
Part 37 will be uploaded soon❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎.

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