Agent Scully

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'Sir? You wanted to see me?' Mulder burst throuh the office doors, his tie askew and the top of his shirt still unbuttoned. He was met by a pair of disappointed grey eyes, which lingered on his unkempt appearance for a moment before dropping back to the papers on the desk. It seemed like forever before he spoke.
'Mulder, sit down.' Said Skinner coldly. Mulder collapsed rather loudly into his chair and tried to pull himself together. Skinner coughed awkwardly and looked up at Mulder. 'You have a new partner. Agent Scully. She'll be joining you later today.' Mulder swore under his breath. 'Sir, I don't need-'
'It doesn't matter, Mulder. This isn't your choice.'
'She's here to spy on me, Skinner!'
'You're gonna deal with it.' Skinner was going red in the face. 'Now get out.'

His office light was still off when he reached the basement of the headquarters. That's good. Agent Whatever-Her-Name-Is hadn't arrived yet. But Mulder knew it was only a matter of minutes before there would be a knock on the large metal door in the corner though, and his cases would forever rest in history. Mulder glanced at the clock. Broken. He stared at his watch. Broken. He looked over to his poster on the wall and whispered, 'I want to believe', before going back to wallowing in self-pity. Just as he was thinking about how angry he was at Agent Whatever-Her-Name-Is, there was a loud knock on the door. Speak of the devil. Mulder thought as he gathered himself together and went to let her in.

The first thing that went through his head as he saw the new partner was that she was nothing how he could have imagined. Her short, red hair was cut neatly into a bob, and her eyes- god, her eyes. They were piercing.
His mouth hung open stupidly as he stared at her. Scully rolled her eyes and held out a pale hand, which Mulder reluctantly shook.
'I'm your new partner for the x files.' She smiled. Mulder found himself unable to feel his legs.
'I've been told.' Said Mulder. 'Well, come in. Make yourself at home. Not that you really can in a headquarter's basement, but you're welcome to try.' Scully laughed quietly to herself as she looked around. 'You've got some interesting stuff in here, Mulder.' She whispered, dragged a slender hand across his desk. 'Been collecting it for years.' Mulder swelled with pride. Or what he thought was pride. The feeling hadn't yet come back to his legs as Scully admired the posters in the wall, and Mulder, for the first time in years, allowed himself to stare. He stared for a very long time - at the way she walked like royalty across the room. At the way her fingers curled when she looked at something that interested her. At the way her short hair bounced as she walked.

'You have a nice room, Mulder.' Mulder wanted to answer with something clever, but he found himself tongue-tied and losing the ability to speak. You have a nice face, Scully.
Scully giggled. Oh shit. He'd said it out loud. Before she could see his blushing, however, he heard a knock on his door.

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