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      Daniel walked into the president's office— Ethan Ontario. The office was extravagantly beautified with luxurious antiques, all white painted wall, extremely spacious and wide, everything screamed expensive, high-priced, it was exorbitant, the place oozed with superiority. On a side on the wall were photos, old photos hung and displayed in gold frames.

    "You wanted to see me sir?" Daniel faced his father, a few meters from the big mahogany table. Yes, the boys addressed their father as sir whenever they were at the office. It was a moral formality Ethan imbibed in his children.

   Ethan was touching the glass structure that settled on his table, with the words president, in capital letters written in gold, on it; when his older son entered.

    "What was that in there?" Ethan removed his glasses, giving Daniel a long look.

    Almost a minute ago, they had just returned from a board meeting. Scott and Daniel went head to head, arguing to and fro, nonstop. Scott didn't agree with anything Daniel said, he was always contradicting. It got to a point where Ethan had to stop and adjourn the meeting.

    Daniel looked at his father. "It was only a misu—"

   Ethan cut him off. "Didn't all the department officers agree and sort out all necessary issues before calling for a meeting?"

    "We did sir." He nodded.

    "Then what was that?" He raised his brow at his son. Just then, the door opened. Scott came in, closing the door behind him immediately.

     "You called?" Scott said, walking up to his dad, stopping some meters just like Daniel.

     "What in the world was that Scott?!" Ethan snapped at him.

     "I was only stating my opinions sir." Scott told him.

     "Opinion? What opinion is that?! You both sounded like bickering idiots!" Ethan raised his voice, looking at both sons.

    "If I may—"

    "You may not." Ethan interrupted Scott before he could talk. "There won't be another board meeting until you both are sure everything is in place. Have I made myself clear?" He said authoritatively.

    "Yes sir." Both boys replied without questioning.

    "You can leave." Ethan leaned back against his chair. "And Scott, I want the marketing plans on my desk by 2pm tomorrow." He said to Scott while Daniel proceeded out.

     "Yes sir." Scott nodded, before leaving.

Daniel had tried to meet Scott as soon as Scott got out of their father's office, but he is stopped by his staff, requesting to sign a few papers.

    Scott was going through some papers in his office when Daniel knocked and entered. He looked at who had entered, seeing Daniel, he continued what he was reading.

    "I was hoping we could talk." Daniel said calmly.

   "No one told me I had an appointment with the head of administrative department." Scott said scratching his eyebrow, without glancing away from the papers.

    Daniel closed the door. "Look," he started. "I know things has not been great between us."

    After the incident with Anna five days ago, Scott didn't see Daniel eyeball to eyeball. Scott would make annoying remarks at Daniel but Daniel being the cool headed brother didn't seem bothered.

   "But what you did back there at the meeting was not cool." Daniel stated.

    Scott finally glanced up at him, keeping the papers on his desk. "I did not support whatever you put out there to the board. I found it too boring."

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