Legend of the bone knapper!

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Hoark: Fire!

Vikings: Get the buckets! To the ocean! What happened?

Stoick: The wind is shifting! Fire Brigade, move in! Bring the Nadders in from the South!

Astrid: I'm on it!

Stoick:  Gronckles, aim for the roof!

Fishlegs: Yeah!

Stoick: Good work, just a few hot spots left.

Me: Where's Gobber? Is he still inside? 

Stoick: No, we can't find him...

Gobber: Im here right here, That beast will pay for this!

Stoick:  Gobber, what happened? 

Gobber: What's it look like? A dragon set my home on fire!

Ruffnut: What?

Gobber: You pushed me too far this time, you ugly bag of bones!

Hiccup: Dad, what's he talking about? Our dragons don't do that anymore.

Stoick: He doesn't mean one of yours. Gobber, for the last time, there is no such thing as a--

Gobber: Boneknapper?!

Tuffnut: A what-knapper?

Gobber: A disgusting, foul beast. Wearing a coat of stolen bones like a giant, flying skeleton.

Fishlegs: The Dragon Manual says that the Boneknapper will stop at nothing to find the perfect bone to build its coat of armor. It's awesome!

Stoick: Come on, it's just a myth. It doesn't even exist.

Gobber: I'm telling you, it's real! I've been running from him my whole life. He's the one who started this fire.

Viking: Stoick, we found Gobber's underpants hanging by the stove. They must've started the fire.

Stoick: Still think it's the Boneknapper, or just your underpants?

Gobber: I don't think! I know! Somehow he found me again. That dragon is pure evil.

Stoick: Gobber, it's late, and we're too tired for your stories. Now, get some rest.

Gobber: You rest, I'm putting an end to this.

Gobber: Come on, Phil. Let's go. We don't need their help anyways.

Phil: Baa.

Hiccup: We can't let him go by himself. All right, Vikings! Grab your shields.

*we leave in search for the dragon* 

Snotlout: There's no way I'm getting on a boat to go after a fake dragon.

Gobber: Come on! Put your backs into it you lazy dogs! Stroke! You're not even trying! Stroke!

me: How fun is this, right? We got the team back together, another adventure. This is pretty cool, huh?

Snotlout: Yeah, nothing cooler than rowing until your hands bleed.

Gobber: I just want you kids to know that it touches my heart, you helping me slay the Boneknapper. True Vikings, you are.

Ruffnut: Gobber, are we there yet?

Fishlegs: Oh, you'll know we're close when your ears explode from the piercing screams. Legend says this dragon's roar is so fierce, it can melt the flesh right off your bones!

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