Book Of Dragons!

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me (v.o): Remember what life used to be like on Berk? Dragons. You had to be crazy to live here. But we're Vikings. Crazy is what we do best. And I guess I had enough crazy in me to do something no Viking had ever done before. I trained a dragon. Life on Berk hasn't been the same since. And now my friends and I have the greatest job in the world. We're Dragon Trainers. Living with dragons, it ain't easy. It brings a new adventure every day and there's so much to learn. Because if you wanna train dragons, you have to know dragons. So if you hurry, you can join us in the Great Hall. We're just about to start a new class.

Astrid: So that's a Gronckle! 

Hiccup: Correct! And you cannot tell its head from its tail.

Astrid: Right, right!

: Oh, and Gronckles do not like to be scratched under their chins. I found that out the hard way.

Hiccup: Okay. No... scratching... under... chin. Got it. Whoa... What...? Toothless! What's up, bud? Oh, hey!

Fishlegs: Whoa! A new Dragon Trainer!

: Ah, a new recruit! Want to train dragons, do ye?

Astrid: Looks eager enough.

Hiccup: This one's got potential.

Gobber: Aye, we'll see about that. Here it is: The Book of Dragons. Between these two covers are the most incredible creatures you'd ever hoped to see. Some you know, but there are some you've never seen before. And you won't last a day out there if you don't learn the facts in here.

Hiccup: Gobber, you can't scare us. We've already trained dragons.

Gobber: Ach... This book contains more than just training. It's the key to unlocking a new world of dragons. And I don't suppose you know who started it all, do you?

Astrid: I thought it has something to do with Bork the Bold.

Gobber: Well-spotted, lass. But before he was bold, he was known as Bork the Very, Very Unfortunate.

Hiccup: That's an... odd nickname.

Gobber: Aye, but apt. It seemed that everything Bork touched went wrong. Bork was my great-great-great-grandfather. And he started out as a shepherd. But his flock got very small. The fact is, Bork and dragons didn't seem to mix. So he gave blacksmithing a try... and he had a go at farming. But he settled for the life of a fisherman. And he used to say, "If you see a dragon: Kill on sight." You kids taught us that we could train a dragon, but it was Bork who had the idea to classify them. And what does Bork say is the first class of dragons?

Hiccup: Oh, that's easy. Stoker Class. Now according to the book, these hot-headed dragons are furious fire-breathers. And when training a Terror, start with a very shiny object.

Astrid: Oh, he's cute!

Gobber: Cute?! Maybe on his own. But Bork says if you get these little Terrors in a group, it's no picnic. You see, Terrors are social creatures. They love to hunt in packs. Now, what about this brute? The Monstrous Nightmare. You can see how this foul beast got his name. Nary a Viking has tamed this fierce creature. But you know what Bork used to say? "You fall down, you get right back on the dragon."

Astrid: I bet he didn't know that the Nightmare can set itself on fire. And if there's one thing you don't want, it's an angry Nightmare. That's why we tried a more gentle approach.

Hiccup: Instead of wrestling a Monstrous Nightmare, just give them a little respect. A gentle hand on his snout.

Gobber: Looks like you kids have made some breakthroughs. All right, Fishlegs. Why don't you tell us about your dragon?

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