How to Start a Dragon Academy

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 Hiccup : This is  Berk . For generations, it was viking   against  dragon   . The battles were ferocious... then one day, everything changed. 

me: (v.o.): I met Stormy , and my brother met Toothless and  together we've shown people here that instead of fighting dragons, we can ride them... live with them, even train them.

 Hiccup: Okay, guys. Best Trick Competition. Who's up first?

Fishlegs: Uh...

Snotlout:  Me!

Fishlegs: Actually, I think it's--

Snotlout: Me!

Me: Sweet baby in a thunderstorm, GO!

Snotlout: Oh, don't worry, we'll go. And when we go, and I are gonna light the sky on-- FIRE!!!! Oh, no!

Snotlout: I'm alive...? I'm alive!, of course I am!

Fishlegs: It's my turn! Ready, ? Here we go! *flies around* 

Fishlegs: Yes! New personal best!

Ruffnut: My turn!

Tuffnut: No, my turn!

Hiccup: Guys, same dragon...

Tuffnut: Oh, right.

*take off, but then the Twins begin to argue on which way they should go.* 

Tuffnut: Go left!

Ruffnut: No, right!

Tuffnut: N-no, right!

Ruffnut: No, left!

Me: *groans* 

Ruffnut: We almost died!

Tuffnut: Yeah, I know... go again?!

me: Hey! It's my turn! might wanna take notes. Let's go! Yah!

me: okay Stormy tail flip!, Now twirl!, Quick, upwards spiral!


Snotlout: Yeah, but can you do it without the dragon?

Me: *punches him in the shoulder* 

Snotlout: Ow!

Hiccup: Looks like we've got our work cut out for us there, bud.

me: They're still the best.

Hiccup: Another win. Good job, bud.

me (v.o.): Yep, dragons. Most people on Berk would say life here is better since we made peace with them. Unfortunately, dragons are still, well, dragons.

Viking Woman #1: Bad dragon! Let go of my food! Drop it, pesky dragon! Dragons!

Viking Man #1: Get off my roof, you pest!

Viking Man #2: Let go of that! These are my apples!

Viking Woman #2: Give me back my dainties, dragon!

Viking Man #3: Incoming!

Viking Man #4: Look out!

Viking Man #3: Dragon poo!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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