Nicole's POV

We arrived home shortly after leaving the hospital. Logan and I were walking to the front door when he suddenly stopped me.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay?" He looked more concerned than when he had asked me the first time.

"Yes, I am. Thank you for taking me." All I could do was smile at him before opening the door and walking to my bedroom. Logan followed me like a lost puppy.

I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth, hoping to wash away the disgusting taste of the vomit.

Logan leaned his body against the doorframe.

"So, uh..." he sounded flustered.

I looked at him while I continued vigorously brushing my teeth.

"I left a note on the nightstand for you."

His gaze fell on the floor and he began fidgeting with his fingers (something I did too).

"I know," I said after rinsing my mouth out with water. "I texted you about it," I chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh, you did?" I reached into his pocket and pulled his cellphone out of it. "Oh, you did."

"I'm so sorry. I barely had any time to check it," he apologised and connected his eyes with mine.

And holy shit.

The sunlight from the bathroom window shone perfectly on his face. Enhancing every single feature he had.

His pearly black hair was parted straight down the middle and hung just above his eyes. His eyebrows were barely visible behind it but I could still see the perfectly arched and perfectly filled brows. His plump lips were enticing. His nose, having the cutest button shape and his cheekbones stood out without needing him to smile.

And His eyes.

Those emerald green eyes that caught my attention the first time we met.

He was so beautiful.

"That's okay. I assumed you were busy," I said, realising I might have been staring at him for too long.

I wiped my mouth and hands dry and hinted for Logan to walk with me to the kitchen. The food was placed neatly on the table top and so were the plates. The plates I was supposed to pack.

My mother sat at the head of the table. Kate was to her right, Kai next to her and Dylan next to him. Opposite them was Jaxon and Mason. The only two open seats left was the one next to Mason and the one across from my mother.

My father's seat.

It had always been empty. Ever since my father was no longer with us. No one dared to sit on his chair. Not even my mother.

"You can have a seat over there, Logan," my mother said, gesturing to the chair across from her.

I watched as Logan sat down. The lump I had no idea was in my throat, got bigger, making it almost impossible to swallow.

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