Chapter three.

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"Farewell, (Y/N). I hope to see you again sometime." Kazuha's voice lingered, as the girl jumped upwards, disappearing in thin air.

As she reappeared, she found herself in a completely different place. However, as the pain slowly started to get worse, her Karmic Debt made its return once again. The girl dropped to her knees weakly, covering her ears like a lost child. The voices penetrated her mind, even if she tried shutting them out.

"Please, don't do this!"

"It hurts! Please stop!"

"Leave me alone, you demon!"

"Please, anyone, help me!"

"Father... Mother... Forgive me..."

"You're a monster!"

"Help me!"

The girl shoved her face into the ground, grabbing onto her hair, it's as if she was going mad. She was inevitably helpless whenever these memories made their way to the surface. It pained at her heart, knowing that she had massacred over more than she could possibly count.  Opening her eyes with a terrified gaze, the grass around her was painted in a scarlet-like attire, the liquid pooling up beneath her. Her head whipped up in a panic, as her expression dropped. Countless deceased bodies lay across the field, their bodies were torn up, and their expressions were nowhere close to peaceful. They were terrified. Scared. In pain.

And in the middle of it all, was (Y/N). Their murderer. The one that took their lives, whether innocent or not. It didn't matter if the bodies were the evil that was left behind by the hatred of the deceased Archons, or the time where she was Inteligenus' puppet.

Her body straightened up, her eyes taking upon monotone ones. This was all a part of her. Something that she could no longer change about herself. She was born to serve as a weapon. And no more than a weapon. An emotionless being, following orders blindly.

As she closed her eyes, she took larger breaths, gradually calming down by the second. After a few seconds, she lifted her lashes, blinking a few times, seeing that everything was just an imagination. She always had visions such as these, and they terrified her each time. But this time, she didn't want them to scare her. It was something that always occurred.

Letting out a breath, she whispered three words.

"I am sorry."

It's as if her words were taken along the wind, and they traveled across the whole of Liyue in seconds. It was said that the wind spoke, no matter where one was located.

A lone boy stood on a hill, not too far from the girl's location. His gaze was cast over Liyue Harbor, as he too awaited the Lantern Rite, a festivity founded for souls such as his. His green marks across his arm mirrored his vision. A mask similar to girl's was befitted on his torso, as his clothes were being blown by the gentle wind of the night.

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