i'm back! kinda?

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hey, everyone!
First, I want to thank all of you so so sooo much for the love you've shown my story over the last 11 months ( I can't believe it's that old )
Your comments and votes have cheered me up over the last little while. Even though, I haven't updated in months, this story has always been at the back of my mind.

So I've finally decided to begin to fix this book, the writing is terrible and the plot is all over the place. You may want to read the new chapters that will be coming out as I'm thinking of changing a few things!

I just fixed the intro chapter ( titled part one: the scorch ) I changed Luna's face claim so let me know that you think! I'll try to update as soon as I can but I do have school and homework to do so please bare that in mind.

Thank you all sm <<333

the end of beginning, thomasWhere stories live. Discover now