Academy Chapter 10: The Slug Sannin Part 2

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto

Chapter 14: The Slug Sannin Part 2

Council Meeting

"So why have I been summoned?" Izumi asked the ANBU who escorted her to the council meeting.

"You'll find out soon enough." The ANBU responded, before vanishing back into her hiding spot near the entrance of the meeting room.

Izumi shrugged and entered the meeting room, which already had every seat occupied except for the Uchiha and Senju seats. Hiruzen smiled at her, and gestured for her to take her seat at the Uchiha Clan's seat. She nodded and quietly walked over to take her seat.

"Now until Mikoto-san recovers from her injuries, Uchiha Izumi will be the Clan Head, as she is the most senior, and only, shinobi in the Uchiha Clan at the moment." Hiruzen announced.

Izumi was shocked at the announcement for multiple reasons. She was the only remaining shinobi from the clan that was famous for powerful shinobi? Also, she was clan head? She was only half Uchiha, and not even from the main line that descended from Madara himself.

Hiashi also was shocked at the revelation. A 14-year-old Chunin girl, a clan head? He scoffed at her appointment. "You can't be serious, Hokage-sama. This girl only graduated from the Academy 2 years ago. To think she's capable of even comprehending the things we are to discuss here, and give any sound input? I'd say it's simply preposterous."

Many of the council members nodded at Hiashi's points, and a small murmur of discussion broke out, discussing whether or not she was fit to be a clan head, even if it was temporarily. There were even talks discussing if the Uchiha were even large enough to be considered a clan.

The Sandaime had heard enough. "ENOUGH!" Everyone finally quieted down. Hiruzen sighed. Why did he have to yell every council meeting? "I want to hear no more on this. I've appointed her clan head, and that's all there is to it. If anyone has an issue with that, they can take it up with me." Nobody spoke up.

"Good. Now I want you to all know, that when Izumi here is present as clan head, you are to treat her as a clan head, not as Izumi. Give her the respect that befits the clan head of one of our most illustrious and respected clans. Is that understood?" with this statement, Hiruzen made it clear that the Uchiha was still to be treated with respect, and to be held in high regard.

"Now, while we're already on the topic of the Uchiha, let's discuss what must be done regarding their situation." The Third started.

One of the civilian council members brought up the issue of their property. "What are we to do with their clan compound? It's much too big for the handful of survivors to occupy or even manage. Why don't we move them to a smaller plot of land, and convert their compound into living quarters for more people? It's wasted sitting empty like that."

Surprisingly, it was the Uchiha's biggest political rival that spoke up against that bill, as Hiashi was the biggest advocate for clan's rights.

"Absolutely not. That is in violation of the clan agreements. The village cannot simply seize clan property without giving them something of equal value in return. As the Uchiha property is some of the largest, there is no plot of land in the village that is equal in value that is available to given in exchange. The clan has years of history, traditions, and not to mention, clan secrets, that are directly tied to that land." Hiashi defended vigorously, and the other shinobi clan heads nodded in agreement.

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